If Lucy Fell
If Lucy Fell
R | 08 March 1996 (USA)
If Lucy Fell Trailers

Joe and Lucy are roommates and best friends. Lucy, whose love life is embarrassingly dull, convinces Joe, who is infatuated with a neighbor he's never met, that if they don't have stable romances within a month, they must jump off the Brooklyn Bridge.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Victor Popov I am giving this movie 10 stars to compensate for the negative reviews. I am amazed at peoples reactions to this movie as it was really good. But its not surprising that the masses never know whats funny thats why they have audience laughter on TV shows to tell you when to laugh. If you don't have a brain you won't like this movie. I would rate it about an 8 or a 9. It seems Eric Schaeffer is either loved or hated. Ben Stiller is hilarious and Schaeffer's character is a bit of fresh air of seeing an American male who is not a brainwashed insensitive moron. All in all great movie I would recommend to anyone. This requires me to write 10 lines of review so I am continuing to write. Good movie.
bsmerz I really liked this movie's quirky nature. I am sure a lot of people out there may not be able to relate to the playful friendship between Joe and Lucy, but I think it was a very realistic portrayal when compared to my own relationship with my husband - it is this reason I think this movie was so great. I wish there were more of these type of movies out there, but then again, I may not appreciate them so much if they were common place.In addition to the playful banter and camaraderie between Joe and Lucy, the movie also has some totally hysterical scenes, like when Joe talks about something that one of Lucy's suitors did in their place (don't want to spoil it if you haven't seen it - you have to get the greatest laugh value out of this).I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did!
nordic_princess68 If there is any merit in this movie, it is thanks to the performances of Sarah Jessica Parker and Ben Stiller. Elle McPherson is mediocre, as usual, and was obviously only picked for her looks (if you like the boring model type - how original to have her as an object of fantasy - yawn!) In fact, my theory is that the truly awful Schaeffer only wrote this tripe so he could legitimately molest Elle McPherson. He is extremely unattractive physically (what is with that hair and the dreadful clothes?), which wouldn't be a problem if he had a likable personality. I suppose his character is supposed to be sweet, funny and bumbling, but instead he comes across as unpleasant, selfish and completely in love with himself. At one stage Elle's character describes him as "funny, intelligent and good looking" (or words to that effect) - I'm afraid she's wrong on all three. How the viewer is supposed to believe that any woman would find him attractive, let alone two, is beyond my comprehension.
shakawtwf Nothing in this movie worked. SJP criticizes one of her patients for being boring when she is one of the most boring creatures on Earth. Her roommate is beyond pathetic and as sorry a specimen as you're likely to find. Why does he wear a skirt and a woman's headband? Because he's a quirky artist. Why does he run around and chase the Chinese menu guy? Because he's a quirky artist. We get it, we just don't care.The characters' quirks were completely manufactured and phony. Nobody speaks, acts or does anything like the people in this movie. I almost cracked a smile once but it went away really fast. I watched half of the movie and couldn't finish it.