The Sweetest Thing
The Sweetest Thing
R | 12 April 2002 (USA)
The Sweetest Thing Trailers

Christina's love life is stuck in neutral. After years of avoiding the hazards of a meaningful relationship, one night while club-hopping with her girlfriends, she meets Peter, her perfect match. Fed up with playing games, she finally gets the courage to let her guard down and follow her heart, only to discover that Peter has suddenly left town. Accompanied by Courtney, she sets out to capture the one that got away.

Tuchergson Truly the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
JohnHowardReid A slapstick comedy for those who prefer their slapstick in poor taste. Admittedly, the funniest sequence is that with Charlie Dell as the delightfully fazed Christian priest who attempts to tie the knot in the wedding scene. But come on, boys, play fair! What's the name of the Hollywood movie in which a likably cute but totally ineffectual Jewish rabbi is set up and satirized? Maybe I'm wrong, but off hand, I can't think of any such scenes in any Hollywood movies at all, although there are such interludes in German and Russian movies of the 1930s and early 1940s. However, getting back to The Sweetest Thing, the movie tends to focus all its attention on the ladies. Like the minister, the men are all ineffectual and make little impression. In fact, the movie is virtually an extension of locked-in-the-toilet gags that mostly vary from sickening to indigestible. The Columbia DVD describes the movie as a totally fresh twist. What rubbish! Toilet gags have been with us since at least 5,000 B.C.
NateWatchesCoolMovies The Sweetest Thing should have been called The Sassiest Thing, as it's three leading ladies have more pisss-ant energy than a platoon of caffeinated squirrels. I've read reviews claiming that the levels of rambunctious mania these chicks work themselves up into stray into unrealistic delirium, but trust me, I've spent enough time observing girls in their groups and I can tell you there's no exaggeration to be found here. It's somewhat of a chick flick, with a super sexual, raunchy edge that would make the Farrelly Brothers proud, and the three stars lunge right into the sheepishly naughty material like girls sprinting from the limo to the club with designs on anything that moves within. Cameron Diaz seems to never have a shortage of adorably bubbly energy, playing a klutzy Christina, who along with her besties Courtney (Christina Applegate) and Jane (Selma Blair) head for a night on the town to ease Jane's guy-related depression. While Jane ends up bedding sweet, dimwitted Todd (tough guy Johnny Messner, hilariously playing against type), Christina surprises herself by meeting a guy she deems perfect, Peter Donohue (Thomas Jane, that chiseled deity). Only one problem: he leaves town to get married, prompting Christina to drag the other two rascals on a road trip to locate him and declare her love. Sound silly? It is, in leaps and bounds, but it's got that infectious feeling of fun thanks to the gals who don't let up with their riotous banter for a second, and carry the movie to comedic heights of hilarity. It's got a wonderfully perverse sense of humour too, throwing social taboos out the window in favour of shameless sex gags, facepalm inducing mischief and and that R- rated, unapologetic sensibility that all the best sex comedies have. It's also got wicked work from Parker Posey, Frank Grillo, James Mangold, Jonathan Schaech and Jason Bateman playing Donohue's brother in a performance so sleazy you'll be wiping his presence off your clothes after. It's light and airy when in needs to be, gets down and dirty in all the places that matter, and hums along at sexy pace set by the three leading ladies, all clearly having a blast.
Maynard Handley I confess to a weakness for what some might call stupid comedies --- American Pie, Dumb and Dumber, There's Something about Mary. However I found this movie mostly disappointing and don't agree with the comments that it's a female version of those classics. I think it fails because it tries too hard and makes the trying very obvious. All the way through, the characters (especially the Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate characters, Selma Blair not so much) are constantly trying to appear and act "wacky". It's irritating as hell, and leads you to despise the characters rather than feel empathy for them. I assume this is not the actresses faults --- Ms Diaz obviously did her job well in There's Something about Mary, while Ms Applegate handled years on Married with Children --- so I'm guessing either the director or the writer didn't have much confidence in the material and felt it necessary to add a layer of (non-amusing) idiocy. To me it felt like one of the bad Adam Sandler comedies or the bad Rob Schneider comedies or the bad (ie all of them!) Pauly Shore comedies, which also devolve into "irritating characters acting wacky" because there's not enough decent comedic material there to sustain the movie. If you want a girl's comedy done right, I'd recommend you stick with Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, rather than persisting with this through some sort of misplaced female solidarity. The three or so genuinely funny scenes don't justify the rest of the movie. It wasn't AWFUL, as a comedy, but it just wasn't as great as people are claiming.
jesselatimer_1992 maybe its because I'm still young (19), or because i just don't always feel like watching a "deep dramatic" movie. (which i do love to watch as well) The Sweetest Thing honestly has to be one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time.I don't understand all the bad reviews, but from my perspective, if your just hanging out with some friends and watch a good movie to watch that will make you laugh, highly recommend this one. IF YOU HAVE ANY CHILDREN DO NOT WATCH THIS WITH THEM! THIS IS NOT A MOVIE FOR KIDSsee it see it see it!!!!!!!