PG | 04 October 1996 (USA)
Infinity Trailers

Story of the early life of genius and Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Steineded How sad is this?
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
alex-278 This film had a lot of potential and would have been a story well told if only it had not been too stylish and downright anchored in sepiatic based nostalgia. There was absolutely no need to turn a a potentially good film into a gloomy dark film. Even the scenes where the film is in daylight it is downright gloomy and often hard to see any contrast between the players and you have to wonder what idiotic rationale was behind that.Apart from that the story was full of images and style and really did not have a good narrative. I have just finished watching 'The Challenger' - that focused on Feynman's role in the enquiry - now that is the way to tell a story.
marianpo Although I agree with other reviewers that the reaction of the Feynman character to his wife's death is so restrained as to appear cold, that is but a minor flaw in a striking film featuring a fantastic performance by Patricia Arquette.I have seen many tearjerkers in my life, but this is one of the few that actually makes me choke up when I remember certain scenes.The characters' integrity, the tragic backdrop of the Manhattan Project, the revealing details, the respectful rendering of quaint aspects of the era, the simple truths simply portrayed all make this a small masterpiece.
swedensm It's not an exciting movie, but it's not meant to be. This movie is for thinkers. It's a real love story with someone who could have been your neighbor, set against a time when people were just recovering from the Depression and being forced into WW2.I love what Broderick did with this film. In an age where people are jaded and "have" to be stimulated with action, big noises and blood to stay the boredom, he has given us a glimpse of a more innocent time -- maybe the last innocent time in American history -- and insight into the world of two very different people who obviously loved each other very much. Congratulations Mr. Broderick and thank you for telling their story. I wish I had met them both.
suzy q123 This movie is long and not very well made, but not offensively bad. Why is it when actors direct they love to have long long takes and scenes that don't go anywhere? The story of this man needs to be told, but in a bold and interesting way. This movie did it in a meek and 'decent' way, and it's a real shame. Patricia Arquette obviously wants to bring it some verve, and you kind of feel for her. Matthew Broderick has a lot on his plate, and perhaps should have turned over the directing to someone else. Someone who would've made a few cuts. I give it a 3 on a scale of 10.