Beyond Borders
Beyond Borders
R | 24 October 2003 (USA)
Beyond Borders Trailers

Sarah Jordan, an American living in London in 1984, is married to the son of a wealthy British industrialist. She encounters Nick Callahan, a renegade doctor, whose impassioned plea for help to support his relief efforts in war-torn Africa moves her deeply. As a result, Sarah embarks upon a journey of discovery that leads to danger, heartbreak and romance in the far corners of the world.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
o c Goodness, I loved this movie when I watched it as a teen.But that was *because* I was a teen. And Jolie was pretty, and Owen was handsome. And they did noble things, they rescued people. What more could you want, right? Right?? I didn't see back then how offensive this film is. It's a romance, you see. Yes it is. But it makes a haunted face to convince you it's something more.And the reason I say this is because the film's setting is the Third World. Specifically, several different aid camps with thousands of hungering locals. But this has little impact on the main characters as people. It just works to push or staunch their affair.Owen, an aid worker, comes to London to fight for founding - so that Jolie can be impressed and help him out. Jolie rescues a child on her way to the camp - so that Owen sees she's wonderful and instantly falls for her. These are just plot devices.I thought it was pretty distasteful.There's also zero chemistry between the leads. Don't know how on Earth they achieved it, seeing how jaw-droppingly attractive they both are. Perhaps thanks to the script that gives their characters depth of overcooked shrimps.Summing up: RUN!!!
godfreygordon Obviously tilting itself at award harvesting, this movie is a sensationalist and superficial treatment of a very serious subject. Any movie in which the female and male lead find time for immaculate personal grooming all the way through, while wading through dying human beings, immediately puts itself in the realms of fantasy for me. It's execution is as unbelievable as the fake wrestling of the 1970s. While Nick Owen has previously impressive credentials in the swashbuckling "thinking man" department, he does not seem to take this role seriously enough, always appearing to be on the point of "corpsing", to use an inappropriate pun. I must confess to always finding Jolie unbelievably attractive, but never a convincing actress. The movie tries to be everything to everyone. A spy movie, an action movie, a kidnap movie but only succeeds in becoming a bad imitation of all of these, while pandering in a most annoying fashion to the morally pretentious. The low score is because the film and cast were not woven together effectively into a thinking person's movie. I struggle to think how anyone with half a mind could enjoy it.
cprovencio9 I can't believe that this film did not make it in the box office, it cost 35 million to make and only grossed 4.5 million. In my humble opinion this has to be Angelina Jolie's best picture ever. The credits in the end sums it up well: "This film is dedicated to all relief workers and the millions of people who are victims of war and persecution. They continue to inspire us all with their courage and will to survive." In one of the emotional revetting scenes she is giving a speech to her peers of UN workers and organizations breaking down while see is recollecting the plight of refugees and the futility of the work being done on their behave. Interestingly, Angelina Jolie did volunteer work for the same United Nations organization her character plays in the film. She was ultimately named a UN goodwill ambassador and in 2003 published some journals she wrote of her experiences, titled "Notes from My Travels", to raise funds for refugee relief.
robertofuiano Good film. I still do not understand all this desire to discredit, underestimate movie about serious events. Really do not understand. The film tells a good story of love between actors as hypocrites Jolie and Owen. Remarkable scenes showing the drama of hunger and poverty in Africa in the world. Listen to me, let losing judgement on film this film is 10. What you do not like? The tragedy of poverty, indifference towards those who are dying of hunger? I wish that I appointed films really beautiful to see! I am so tired of all these negative reviews. You rejected the film, I reject you. The reviews on this site are very mediocre