Life or Something Like It
Life or Something Like It
PG-13 | 26 April 2002 (USA)
Life or Something Like It Trailers

A reporter Lanie Kerrigan interviews a psychic homeless man for a fluff piece about a football game's score. Instead he tells her that her life has no meaning and is going to end in just a few days, which sparks her to action, trying to change the pattern of her life...

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
leplatypus It's about a self-absorbed, egocentric TV host who have a life-changing meeting with the occult.Unfortunately, i'm not writing the review of "Groundhof Day" (already reviewed) but of this crap.I don't know if this degeneracy of a classic tale tells a lot of the evolution of our society but the viewing has been a real hardship for me.It starts with the actual iconic choice for a posh life of the upper class (a penthouse for accommodation, a baseball star for boyfriend) but really who cares? Then, you got some really stupid behaviors: as a gift for the prophet hobo, she brings wine: this is what Hollywood thinks the hobos needs? As her boyfriend notices her despair by having her glasses, his advice is to have laser surgery: great, what about a tour in Africa for him! I don't forget the horrendous clichés: Angie has a boyfriend but only the fear of dying makes her realize they don't talk! The philosophical wisdom she learns from the revelation is to flirt with her colleague who is for sure a divorced husband with a kid, thus Angie can be a mother without birth! The basic of storytelling is forgotten: if it's about dying in 8 days, you put captions to the countdown (Day 1, 2..). Here's it's not done and it's very difficult to follow the timeline.At last, having seen more movies from newcomers (Hilary, Natalie), i know realize that Angie is an overrated actress and has the same career as her father: a handful of great roles but a lot of craps.
D_Burke "Life or Something Like It" is a romantic comedy that wants to be a drama about reevaluating one's life circumstances. It was a movie with a lot of very good actors in it, particularly Angelina Jolie, Ed Burns, and Tony Shaloub. However, in the end, it wasn't as original as it could have been, and its message is far from unique. If I had a nickel for every time a movie used the hackneyed phrase, "Live life to its fullest", I would probably never have to shell out my last ten dollars to see a movie at the movie theater again. For those reasons, the movie was really just okay to me; not great.Angelina Jolie stars as Lanie Kerrigan, a young ambitious TV reporter who is already well-recognized and credible in her local Seattle network affiliate. Her ambition is to be a reporter on the "Today Show"-like network morning news show "AM USA". When she gets the opportunity to audition for the show, a street psychic (the great Tony Shaloub) "prophesizes" her death effective seven days from the day she asked.Admittedly, it is nice to see Jolie in a role that doesn't involve her being a tough-as-nails action hero or a sex kitten. Also, she had some good parts in this movie that were a bit heartfelt, such as when she reflects on her rebellious childhood, or reconnects with her blue-collar father. However, as good an actress as Jolie truly is, my guess is that she must not have done much research for her role. Why? Because she is completely unconvincing as a TV reporter. When asking questions (particularly in her last interview), she practically whispered her questions, which is something TV reporters (at least good ones) should not and do not do. Jolie probably should have studied Katie Couric or Meredith Viera, and she wouldn't even have to leave her trailer to do it either.Her romance with Ed Burns' character was also really hokey, not to mention predictable. He's a good looking guy, and they fight constantly in the beginning of the movie. Such a setup is so overdone (even dating as far back as Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing") and so unoriginal that I was not surprised at all when their romantic scene came up. It surprised me too, because Burns is not only one of the more likable lead actors in the history of romantic comedies, but he has also starred in, written, and directed some of the most original romantic comedies ever ("The Brothers McMullan", "She's The One"). Burns is still likable in his role, but this romantic subplot is so cliché that it really ruins the film.The plot involving Jolie trying to deny or avoid death was also completely unbelievable, particularly towards the end. First, without ruining anything, Jolie's character realization of her fate in the very end seemed a bit contrived given her circumstances. Second, I didn't really get involved with her character enough to care if she died in the end. I guess the character wasn't developed enough, or the plot was too flimsy and archaic. I can't decide which.This movie was certainly not terrible, and it had its moments. For the most part, though, there were too many scenes in this movie that went beyond the laws of common sense that it was just too unbelievable. Other scenes, if not unbelievable, were just too predictable. If the movie had decided to just be a movie about a successful woman's pre-midlife crisis based on false prophecy, and not a romantic comedy in "Deep Thoughts" clothing, it probably would have gone on to more accolades. Instead, it's just marginally good. I can't give it a stronger recommendation than that.
Michael O'Keefe Romantic comedy starring Angelina Jolie. A Seattle TV reporter, Lanie Kerrigan(Jolie), should be happy with her life. The platinum blonde charmer has looks to die for and is married to the most popular of the Seattle Mariners baseball team, Cal Cooper(Christian Kane). In preparation for an interview for a morning show job in New York City, she is teamed with a past emotional interest, cameraman Pete(Edward Burns). Lanie does an on the street interview with a homeless man, Prophet Jack(Tony Shaloub), who predicts she is going to die within a week. When his other forecasts turn out true; Lanie must decide if her life has had any meaning at all. Supporting cast includes; Melissa Errico, James Gammon and Stockard Channing.It takes a while to get use to Jolie as a blonde...its really not that damn hard to do. My favorite scene is where she is having batting practice and breaking up with her husband. Something about that batting helmet and flowing platinum blonde locks. And how many times does she have to ask "are you trying to have sex with me"? Hello, cold sweat.
motormouth34 I don't know why people have given this movie bad reviews - I really enjoyed it! I don't think the product placement was at all bad... who cares??? Those are things we all use everyday anyway, right? The movie was absolutely wonderful and all of the actors played a great role. The only thing I didn't like was Angelina's hair - she does NOT do blonde very well. Other than that, she did a wonderful job with her character, Lanie - who feels she has to be perfect in order to be "special", she has the perfect boyfriend (or so she thinks), the perfect body, the perfect apartment, and hopes within 5 years she can achieve success in her perfect broadcasting job. Until she meets "Prophet Jack" played by Tony Shaloub (who also does a wonderful job - as usual) who tells her she will die in 7 days. She starts to realize everything she has been working for is superficial and meaningless. You have to see this movie to see what she does in her last week --- & IF she even dies. Two Thumbs way, way up! ;)