Spaced Invaders
Spaced Invaders
PG | 27 April 1990 (USA)
Spaced Invaders Trailers

A crew of Martians overhears a radio broadcast of Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" coming from Earth, and, thinking the Martian fleet is attacking Earth, they land their broken-down ship in a backwater mid-American town. As luck would have it, they land on Halloween and get mistaken for trick-or-treaters. Comedy ensues as the Martians try to get taken seriously.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Scott LeBrun Feeble brained Martains happen to hear a Halloween re-broadcast of Orson Welles' legendary radio production of "The War of the Worlds". They, of course, don't know that it's fiction, and think they're hearing legitimate orders to invade planet Earth. So they descend on a typical small American town named Big Bean, and wreak all sorts of havoc while the hapless local citizens try to deal with the problem.This is just this viewers' humble opinion, naturally, but there was too much in this PG rated sci-fi comedy that didn't work for him. The movie is lightly likable, but not particularly funny. Its good moments (such as the pesky Martians breaking into song) are few and far between. Instead of being funny, it's too often overly silly and tiresome. The makeup effects, animatronics, and visuals aren't bad at all, but they deserved better material. (There's also a cute robot in order to appeal to the youngest members of the audience.) In one goofy touch, one of the Martians, a dude named Blaznee (played and voiced by Kevin Thompson) speaks in an amusingly bad Jack Nicholson style delivery. This viewers' favourite line of his: "There goes my insurance."The performances are mostly lame, but appropriate enough for this sort of no brainer entertainment. Douglas Barr ('The Fall Guy') is the new sheriff, Ariana Richards ("Tremors", "Jurassic Park") his lonely, depressed daughter. Ever delightful Royal Dano is a hoot as always, playing a farmer somewhat reminiscent of the guy he played in "Killer Klowns from Outer Space". Also among those playing the Martians are Jimmy Briscoe, Tony Cox ("Bad Santa"), Debbie Lee Carrington ("Total Recall" '90), and Tommy Madden.Fairly harmless stuff for family audiences; the kids probably won't be too judgmental.Four out of 10.
goatboy123 Ever see a movie you loved watching as a kid and watch it again about ten years later and think why the heck you watched it to begin with? Their are so many of those movies out their like that for me but the movie that comes to mind the most is a movie called Spaced Invaders.Spaced Invaders is a somewhat children's movie rated PG from the early 90's about pot smoking aliens (ok maybe the aliens weren't smoking anything but the producer who financed this movie must have been) because the aliens acted like 80's California surfers then actual menacing scary creatures trying to take over earth.The aliens crash land on earth Halloween night and are originally supposed to take over the world instead they get mistaken for children in costumes and start joining in on all the Halloween mischief while still trying to find pieces to fix their ship to leave.Very much a cheesy midnight type movie but still loved all the wackyness and had to rent this all the time when I was a kid and I rented it every chance I could. The best part about being a kid is never noticing how much a movie is crummy and a lot that you watched were. So just for nostalgic factor ill give this movie three blond surfer dudes out of five. See this one only if you enjoy 80's valley girl aliens stuck in an early 90's Halloween.
cowgirl-12 This movie is funny and suitable for any age. It is definitely family-type entertainment. The cast does a fine job playing folks in the mid-western town of Big Bean, Illinois. Where we must assume nothing ever happens since the excitement (pre-invasion) of the decade is the new (and only) exit ramp from the Interstate. The location appeals as suitably boring and totally unlikely for the invasion of earth by Martians. But these Martians are totally inept, despite being well-equipped with an arsenal of suitably ghastly and deadly weapons... including one set on eradicating the Martians, too! The Martians dead-pan their lines and throw in just the right accents to make us the viewers and the locals wish to help them... leave earth. J. J. Anderson playing the very young Halloween carnivorous duck has just great lines. Watch this movie for laugher and entertainment; thought-provoking it isn't. But subtle and enjoyable it is.
Amy_Brigman "Spaced Invaders" is one of the funniest movies, I´ve ever seen. I don´t understand, why this movie didn´t get better critics, it´s funny, harmless and sweet. I first watched it, when I was 11, and I really fell in love with it... 2 days later, I got it on VHS :-P Till today, I´ve shown it to many friends, and they all liked it, but nobody knew the movie before. I think, that´s the problem, nearly nobody knows it, so nearly nobody can like it... This movie never got a real chance, that´s sad, "SI" has really the potential of a comedy like "Monsters Inc." or "Spaceballs". Ok, enough displeasure - What I really wanted to say, is that, if you ever want to laugh your head off, watch it! Even if you don´t get mad about it, it´s worth watching! --> Prepare to laugh, earth scum!