The Astronaut's Wife
The Astronaut's Wife
R | 27 August 1999 (USA)
The Astronaut's Wife Trailers

When astronaut Spencer Armacost returns to Earth after a mission that nearly cost him his life, he decides to take a desk job in order to see his beautiful wife, Jillian, more often. Gradually, Jillian notices that Spencer's personality seems to have changed, but her concerns fade when she discovers that she's pregnant. As Jillian grows closer to becoming a mother, her suspicions about Spencer return. Why does it seem as if he's a different person?

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
GazerRise Fantastic!
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Smoreni Zmaj In the beginning it reminded me of "The Devil's Advocate", then "Rosemary's Baby" and Alien". It's a shame that mixing those cult movies resulted in unpresentable and mediocre SF drama... Even Johnny Depp could not save this failure.6/10
lorj The plot of the movie is not good, however the cinematography is alright. Charlize Theron plays a sympathetic character and I thought she was the force that kept the energy in the film going. Johnny Depp has done better films (What's Eating Gilbert Grape) and I felt that he was wasted in this flick. The ending of the film was a major let down the first time I saw this film. I also thought the supposed twist at the end was an extra let down. I think the movie would have been better if the first half had stayed the same but lose the second half. The special effects were decent. I felt like this movie was an attempt at being "Rosemary's Baby." However Rosemary's Baby is a hard to mimic film. No actress can imitate Mia Farrow. Roman Polanski (despite his personality flaws and scandals) was a terrific director. In my opinion, I felt the director was trying to summon the same edginess from Rosemary's Baby for this film.
Robert J. Maxwell There's a little something for everyone in this tale of an astronaut, Johnny Depp, who has a blackout in space, comes home slightly different, and impregnates his wife, Charline Theron, and gives her two twins made of plasma or something.The general idea -- a brief unconscious period in space -- was done at least twice in the original "Twilight Zone" series, and both were an improvement over this ill-constructed and derivative junk, despite the lavish budget and rather good performances by the principals.Let's see. "The Astronaut's Wife" is almost a remake of "Rosemary's Baby". It's not nearly as well done because it includes some bits of business that are nothing but hoary clichés. Not they don't work. It's always shocking when a woman is alone, shivering with fright, in a dark room, and a hand reaches in from off screen and touches her shoulder, accompanied by a sting on the sound track. Clichés are usually effective. That's why they've become clichés.Turning from "Rosemary's Baby", with the alien things growing inside her, we can see the heavy hand of "The Omen." If you remember the crazy priest who tried to warn Gregory Peck about the plot and was pinned to the earth for his troubles, we have an extremely nervous and deranged black guy who plain disappears while trying to get his warning across.The ending -- in which Therone finally does her fake husband in, and he dissolves amid shrieks and a loud spasm of electronic noise -- has the electronic organisms, if that's the word, zipping into Theron herself, through her blue eyes. That's from "The Exorcist." Naturally, following the model of its forebears, the movie leaves open the door to a sequel, which I pray will never be committed to celluloid.I sat all the way through it just to make sure I'd gotten the ending right.This was written and directed by Rand Ravich. What writer Ravich had not already turned into a commercially oriented horror mess, director Ravich manages. He must have been weaned on television commercials because suddenly, and without purpose, we get enormous close ups of eyeballs and lips, especially Theron's lips. Don't get me wrong. Her lips are, well, inviting and her philtrum is exquisite. But it's all very much like a commercial for a brokerage house.See it if you must.
Eddie DuckSoupe I found this story riveting. Well worth watching; of course I am a fan of him and his cutting edge rolls. You soon catch on something is wrong. I will not spoil it for you; but keep strict attention and be your own detective on what's not right.The actors are well fitted for the roles and I think proper attention was given to picking them for the roles. It was made in 1999 and they are all younger.I cannot say there was never a moment when you are not enthralled with the story as it unwinds.Being not only a Depp fan and also a buff on science fiction and horror flicks I picked this one to watch out of a dozen offered.Depp is a character actor in the purist sense. This means he learns and adapts to his role.Remember to add this flick to your bucket list to watch.