R | 17 January 2014 (USA)
Freezer Trailers

New York city mechanic Robert Saunders is knocked unconscious at his birthday dinner by Russian thugs and wakes up to find himself locked inside the restaurant's industrial freezer. This ruthless gang demand he return the $8 million he has stolen from them. The only problem Robert has no idea what they are talking about. But as the temperature drops and the terror grows, the shocking truth begins to emerge as Robert struggles to survive.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
zif ofoz What keeps this movie from being a cold chill flop is it's ability to keep the level of suspense and mystery at full speed from start to finish.No I didn't believe Robert could last as long as he did in the freezer. And no I didn't believe Detective Sam could live in the cold with those wounds ... etc. etc.But what kept my attention was the constant twist and turns Robert pulled in psychological tricks on the Russian mob members. And the suspense in guessing what his next move would be in his quest to save himself.The story is worth it just for that reason. I did get a bit confused at the finish because you never actually see what was in the box Alisa gives Robert.You decide.
LeonLouisRicci While this Low-Budget Movie Suffers from Multiple Problems it isn't a Complete Waste and is Worth a Watch as a Time Waster. These Types of Films, those set in Virtually One Location are Obvious from the Start Announcing Not Much Money and the Project can't Help but be Cursed with that most Basic of Restrictive Residue, Movies are Supposed to Move.While it can be Novel the Premise Tends to be Boring and Redundant. It is Noticed here that Basically the Same Thing happens Over and Over again. The Wisecracking Protagonist does His best to keep Things Lively with Sarcastic Quips, even the best of them Wear Thin and get Irritating over the course of a Full Length Film and are better left to the Stand-Ups.Not the Worst Production Culled from Limited Resources, this One Remains Mediocre and Rather Flat after all is Said and not much is Done.
MacrosTheBlack2014 The initial premise is good. Man wakes up trapped in Meat locker, not sure how he gets there and said plot unfolds. The film itself try to follow the mold of the genre, but quickly collapses with plot holes, meandering dialogue and poor continuity. The arrival of the 3 Russians really signals the end of the film for me. The crazy one with the gun, the beauty with the tragic accent, the bodyguard with the acting skills of a hamster and the lead himself, bantering inanely trying to save his life.The conclusion is predicable, the acting in general stilted and unless you get this movie free, then just re-watch several of the other films available in this genre, then you won't feel you've lost 90 Min's of your life.
Tony Heck "This is the rat. I'd bet my life on it." Robert (McDermott) wakes up in a freezer with his wrists and ankles cuffed together and no idea why. When a gang of Russians come in they tell him he owes them 8 million dollars and won't let him go until they are repaid. When he realizes he isn't alone he is forced to make life and death decisions with every move he makes. This is a movie that although the idea has been done over and over still had potential. What it turned out to be was basically a version of the original Saw (without the gruesome chopping people up aspect). Man wakes up alone with no idea how he got there and must figure out who put him there and why. He sees someone else with him and must decide what to do next. The main difference is that this one has people coming in and out and more things happen but that is still the best way to describe it. The twist is both unexpected and predictable, when you watch it you will see what I mean. Overall, nothing amazing but not horrible either. A less horrific Saw type movie. I give it a C+.