Drive Angry
Drive Angry
R | 24 February 2011 (USA)
Drive Angry Trailers

Milton is a hardened felon who has broken out of Hell, intent on finding the vicious cult who brutally murdered his daughter and kidnapped her baby. He joins forces with a sexy, tough-as-nails waitress, who's also seeking redemption of her own. Caught in a deadly race against time, Milton has three days to avoid capture, avenge his daughter's death, and save her baby before she's mercilessly sacrificed by the cult.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Osmosis Iron This movie is just pure fun from beginning to end! Nic Cage escapes from Hell, that's all you need to know, oh and this is no Ghost Rider 2! Nic Cage might not be awesome all the time, but when he is... oh boy!!
lindarctica As far as action movies go with a splash of satanic cults, this one is okay, but no masterpiece. The poster image is enough to give you the genral idea. Hot car, hot chick, hot mess of a backstory. Wrap a thirteen-in-a-dozen revenge tale with a occult twist to it, and we have a movie! Nick Cage himself being an actor that has movies that are eather great or just 'meh', this one hangs a bit in between. It's a character that he does well because it's just his thing; unbalanced, damaged and out for killing, we've seen that a dozen times before. The female lead, portrayed by Amber Heard is pretty shallow. Some boyfriend problems, and suddenly her boobs are along for the ride. That's het role in a nutshell.The story is okay for it being what it is, and the coating is pretty nice. I personally enjoy a bit of occult underlining anytime and Drive Angry has a good enjoyable version of it. The action scenes are nothing we have not seen before but also, as far as they go, are amusing to watch. But if you like movies with not too much plot to distract you from the brainless onslought of violence - and there is nothing wrong with that from time to time - this is a perfect flick.
dgatimdb This movie is outlandish and loads of fun. The performances are all excellent, and Fichtner is outstanding. He made me laugh over and over even with simple movements.The dialogue is wonderfully clever, often in a very deliberately cheesy way.The pacing is terrific. The moments of "calm" work just right with the well-organized action sequences.I've lost track of how many times I've watched this, and I keep laughing.
jdat_1990 Let's be honest. We have long stopped expecting Nick Cage to hammer out Oscar nods in movies like this. Drive angry is pure entertainment. If you are religious and easily offended by Religious content in movies, you shouldn't watch this. If you are expecting something that will be a classic to last the ages like Citizen Kane, you shouldn't watch this. If you were expecting the film to take itself seriously.... you probably knowing where I'm going with this right?Milton (Cage) starts out with a bang, quite literally, hammering up a bunch of crackheads over something we're not quite sure about. I'm sure they mentioned something about a child, and then boom, scene changes.Milton meets someone in a diner, kisses her, gets information, and leaves. Piper (appropriately named, Head) Is the hot girl of the movie, and with a temper to match her long, tanned legs. She quits her job, gives Milton a ride after the cheesiest meetup/dialogue in the history of cheesy meetup dialogues, and they head off to where Piper is heading.Piper breaks up with her boyfriend, and Milton steps in to help her escape his wrath.If you have left the Movie Theater by now, you are missing out in a huge treat.The Accountant steps in. His lean, gaunt, bored-yet-classy style immediately captures the attention. His lines are shot off quickly and off beat, like he is getting used to his mouth again, not really caring. He has done his job for God knows how long and this is just another run- of-the-mill job for him.I particularly love his encounter his encounter with Frank (Piper's ex) and subsequently the cops. I think he would have been the best choice as Two-Face of the Batman franchise.But I digress.We go back to Milton, with some forgettable conversation, tits, guns, blood gore, etc, and the movie moves on at a good pace, not letting you get bored for a second. I won't put too many spoilers around here, but yeah, that's all you need to know going in so far. My advice? Stay away from this film if you are looking for anything more meaningful than empty entertainment. If you are braindead from a long day at a mindnumbing job or studies, and all you want to do is watchsome action with some funny, watch this. I smiled and enjoyed the ride.You should too.