The Ouija Experiment
The Ouija Experiment
| 05 May 2011 (USA)
The Ouija Experiment Trailers

Based on true events, five friends who fall prey to the evil entities of the Ouija board. As they set about filming their experimental session, what starts out as bit of fun, soon escalates into a terrifying series of events as paranoia and personal demons are revealed…. and recorded.

Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
jessevanerkelens When I started the movie I didn't expect a lot of it. But after seeing the first 10 minutes I couldn't be more wright. Some may say it is a "B" movie, I think it can't be in a alphabetical category. How could they rape the horror genre so hard and still getting on Netflix. Maybe it was the acting? No, it was horrible, horrible. Are those actors randomly picked on the street. I laughed a couple of times when the acting was so poor i just couldn't keep it. I think that was the only thing that was positive about this movie. Men o men o men, I've seen bad movies, but this one is taking the cake. I'm wasting my time by writing the review, but I just want to warn people. DON'T. WATCH. THIS. MOVIE. Even if you can live 1000 years and you have more then 750 million hours to do everything you want. Even then, even then I wouldn't recommend this to you in a life time.
Jack I'm a strong believer that there are two different ways to rate films; firstly based upon its accomplishments and merit as a piece of cinema and secondly based on how much you personally enjoyed them.And I personally enjoyed 'The Ouija Experiment' an extreme amount.The characters, as is tradition with bad horror films, neglect to act like real human beings to hilarious extremes and instead do the exact opposite of what normal, sane people would do in any kind of situation. Their relationships toward each other essentially don't exist, which isn't really helped by the fact the characters are piloted by waxworks rejected by Madame Tussaud's - Brandon succeeds in being the most irritating person you could possibly invite into your home, with the film trying to draw attention to his invasive filming ala 'Chronicle' but only succeeding in making the audience wonder not only why he's in this house, but why he continues to be there despite his presence making literally everyone uncomfortable.This is entirely without part of 'The Oujia Experiment's thrill that is watching the relationship between Calvin and Shay unfold; with the word thrill being used in this context to mean the exact opposite. Thankfully, the High School drama is short lived and we soon enter in to the REAL horror! The film itself, since everything that happens is surprising in the most predictable way - kind of like you're a parent watching your small child act out a scene from their favourite Disney film, sure it's terrible but there's a certain satisfaction in the feeling you get when you know more about what's going to happen that the Director does, there's predictable twist after predictable twist and telegraphed jump scare after telegraphed jump scare that builds you a picture of him looking back at you with raised eyebrows and a gleeful smile saying 'See! Did you see?!'.The beauty of this film is its entire lack of self awareness found in features such as 'The Room' and 'Birdemic', though perhaps not as quotable its still serves as an unintentional parody of the horror genre that any horror fans in the mood for a comedy may appreciate - above all else, sitting through 90 minutes of the worst 'found- footage-but-not-really-they-were-just-lazy' film in a world where the 'Paranormal Activity' sequels exist is worth it purely for the flashback sequence in its third act.Israel Luna has tapped directly into a genre of film making that very few ever can - the sincere train wreck - and I personally hope the sequel lives up to the high (low) expectations that the first has left. If you ever want to watch a horror film that was written by a game of Boggle then 'The Oujia Experiment' may just be for you
cokeysion Going to start out by saying that I saw this a month ago. It's a tad fuzzy. But I remember this film being insanely wonky on it's pacing, acting, writing, directing, editing, cinematography, sound design, editing, etc. I did rate this 1 star after all.The movie consistently throws twists at you and tries to shock you, only to leave you giggling at the screen.It's a jumbled mess of a film, and I really hope everyone involved looks at this film and says "Hmm... Glad we learned how to not make a movie."And that ending? Really? I do not mind switching to cinematic, but it has to be done well. It has to be engaging and clear as to what is happening.In this, it was jarring. I was unsure if it was cinematic for a while, until the camera angle changed. Also, last thing, the whole "I am the camera" thing, literally made no freaking sense.
Nicole Harris This really did have some good scares in it to make you jump as well as some cheesy moments due to a lower budget (but whatever, I enjoyed it). Like many, I enjoy the tricks and scares that comes along with "found footage" films and they have yet to get old for me. But let's talk about the acting... While the two leads were natural and interesting, the casting for Calvin and Shea (mostly Shea) was off and was what hurt the film for me. I didn't believe they would ever be together in real life and Shea was barely directed (it seemed). All in all, if you like a scare to make you jump in your seat this may be worth your time as there are a couple of a good moments. However, like me you may be hoping a certain character get's offed first.
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