A Few Best Men
A Few Best Men
| 14 October 2011 (USA)
A Few Best Men Trailers

A groom and his three best men travel to the Australian outback for a wedding.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
red_devil-3 It went from not-too-bad to downright awful, the longer the film went on, the worse it got.Wedding disaster movies are usually over exaggerated but this one takes the cake, completely stupid and lacking in imagination. The friends are nothing short of morons, and the rich family would never have gone along with something so ridiculous.For those of you looking for a romantic comedy, avoid this at all cost, definitely not worth your time. I made it through an hour before I couldn't stand it anymore, and went and sat in another room.
usmhot I use IMDb a lot for reviews and ratings as much as for info about the movies. In fact for years I've been using it as a non-member. It took this unbelievably awful movie to make me sign in and write my first review ever. There is nothing redeemable about this rubbish. The characters are awful, the acting horrendous, the directing abysmal, the plot ridiculous. This is supposed to be a modern, funky British slapstick with a good dollop of Australian blunt humour, but what it turns out to be is a pathetic, amateurish, cringe-worthy waste of film. Whatever you do, never watch this movie. Every copy needs to be wiped and all records of it expunged.
HelenMary This is one of those films that you know what's going to happen and you know it's going to be rather dire but you watch anyway and it's really funny. Really gross in places, horrendously dirty but it's actually pretty good. Wedding jitters, family miscommunication, reception cocaine fountain, an errant drug dealer, a runaway sheep, a suicidal best man, a lactose intolerant friend and a house on a cliff-edge... and if that doesn't make you want to see it for laughs, well, you're missing out. Good performances by everyone especially Xavier Samuel and the brilliant (also in Death at a Funeral) Kris Marshall. Rebel Wilson was a laugh and her indubitable self and Olivia Newton-John put in a star turn as the put-upon-wife-turned lush. She is fabulous!Not for you if you are sensitive to jokes of a sexual nature, bad language, or physical humour involving laxatives. Laugh out loud, cringeworthy, funny. Enjoyed it even though I had to close my eyes a few times.
sharpcourse A few best men is a movie I picked up on the side from a course-mate at school. He seemed to have a taste for laugh out loud comedy like I do so my interest was to see it after he did.Yes, it may seem cliché d, it may seem borrowed in major parts from previous Hollywood block-busters (the hangover in particular and all best men movies in general), and it may have the stereotypical characters that make up the ensemble of a groom's-best-friends kind of movie; but my is it a hilarious movie.The story was not wholly original, even basically unoriginal in every sense of the word but its a comedy and it does hit its mark in that regard. It comes on right in your face, gets dreary and downright boring in places but picks up in spectacular fashion. If you are patient enough just as I was when I saw it, you'll get my point. As a whole, it doesn't come close to other movies of its kind in terms of cast and plot but with its laugh out loud moments, it can rival any or most Hollywood comedies and I assure you Hollywood directors could learn a thing of two from this bunch.Its greatest strength is not in its characters, not in the cast either but in the cinematography and screen-play. Shot in Australia, it does well to capture major beautiful scenery and has good shot sequences.There are standout and believable moments for most of its characters and their actors though most notably Xavier Samuel. This is the only other media I've seen him in outside of the Twilight: eclipse and he does a decent performance as the groom. Laura Brent was also beautiful and captivating as the bride. Look out for the best man's speech that makes good work of some intertwined British/Aussie humour delivered in a hilarious fashion it will basically crack your ribs.It showed promise got flat at the middle and got downright hilarious in the third quarter. I'd recommend it for anyone who is a fan of dirty but plain laugh out loud comedy.