R | 06 September 2013 (USA)
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Lil and Roz are two lifelong friends, having grown up together as neighbors in an idyllic beach town. As adults, their sons have developed a friendship as strong as that which binds their mothers. One summer, all four are confronted by simmering emotions that have been mounting between them, and each find unexpected happiness in relationships that cross the bounds of convention.

Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
erikanoox The scenery in the film was beautiful. However, there were some cringe worthy lines and scenes, the development of the plot was not very times very cliche, and I did not exactly understand the ending - at one point, I even wondered if they could possibly be dead because they looked quite lifeless. Nonetheless, it was a pretty scene, good enough to make it to the cover of the film. I also agree with other reviewers that there was an absence of character development. I think my main motivation for finishing the movie was the beautiful actresses and actors plus the magnificent scenery. Don't think I would watch it again, but that's just me!
annheardu My husband and I watched this movie and completely fell in love again. What is age when love is involved? It's love all the same. It made us feel the depth of loving someone very strongly regardless of age. The characters were well matched. The scenery was absolutely perfect in creating the serenity and overall peacefulness that was achieved by these lovers. I have recommended this movie to my adult family and friends of all ages. I have now come to realize that loving adults should not be judged because they don't fall in the typical couple category. In this world of strife and hate, love should be realized by all regardless of age, race or sex. Where there is love, there shouldn't be pain.
atlasmb Many of the reviews for this film seem polarized. Either they find it heroic or they despise it. I don't think it deserves either response.The story explores the results of two contentious and dangerous relationships. There is suspense because there is an element of inevitability and it's just a matter of WHEN the house of cards collapses due to a mistake or poor judgment.The acting is good. The conflicting feelings are believable. The writing is good--not because it advocates a point of view, but because it allows the characters to travel on a journey that feels possible and, sometimes, probable.The film is set on beachfront property and it provides a beautiful and natural background that is also sensual.There are many story lines what could have been cheesy or pandering, but the film remarkably feels set in a reality of consequences.
bbickley13-921-58664 I'll be blunt. I had to see the film after I saw it on someone's most controversial movies list. The premise of two moms sleeping with each other's sons, especially when one of those moms is Naomi Watts, who I could not wait to see play hot MILF, was so appealing to me that I put it on top of my to watch list.But from the poster, I assumed they were two woman who happen to be vacationing in the same place and just so happen to start sleeping with the other one's offspring. Instead it's a story of two women who not only knew each other all their lives, they also knew each other's sons since they were children. Sorry, but my open mind started to close after that came to light in the first five minutes.It may seem sexist, but I can't help to think this guilty pleasure would not have gotten made if it was two dads getting it on with their best friend smoking hot, barely legal daughter. Seems like a double standard as you could at best make a comedy about it rather than the steaming Romantic outing this movie is.It does not help that Robin Wright plays the other mom. It may just be her haircut that gives me the impression of a liberated woman who would defend her characters mid-life crisis, despite the fact that all I see going on here is a male fantasy for those under the age of twenty four.But you'll have to excuse my rant as the movie is actually genus. It helps that they got such fine actors as Watts & Wright to play the lead roles. Any thing less would have made this no better than a a late night romp on skinemax.The filmmakers handle the subject matter with poise and respect. Sometimes a little over melodramatic to prove this point in this twisted version of how Stella got her grove back, especially considering that the boy they got to play Wright's love interest could have been better cast as her son. Overall...this movie got weirder the more further it went down the rabbit hole, but the stranger it got the more I loved it, even the times I almost vomited in my mouth. It shows a great depth in the relationship between the four that was just too well done.Definitely worth talking about.