R | 13 September 2013 (USA)
Plush Trailers

A young singer/songwriter, despite being married, becomes involved with her new guitarist, who she soon discovers has a dark past and may be a danger to her and those close to her.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
xoz Being a HUGE movie buff and having a soft side for Indie movies I was expecting a lot.Why? The banging trailer and Emily Browning made me anticipate the movie very much until I watched it and was disappointed to the maximum. Beginning with the direction style, the movie looked like a first-timer's project which they could care about less. The style isn't that bad actually, but its so many other factors that make this movie unbearable and a pain to watch. The intertwined and unrealistic plots are taxing on the mind and what's more,they are all PREDICTABLE. The acting is below average to say the least, apart from Emily Browning of course, who was very convincing in her role and the only thing that kept me from stopping the movie. The music used was quite good at times, IF you're into the Indie Electronic,Electronica etc..genres. Only watch this if you have lots of time on your hands.
arachnostyle Maybe I am just getting too old, but this seems like a flick for moody teen wanna be rock stars. Cam Gigandet and Dawn Olivieri are the only people that add any substance to this disaster. Their contributions are drowned in a sea of dark infant edginess. Elizabeth Pena and Francis Fisher play such small roles that they are not allowed to really support them. It is almost sad to see two veteran actresses get caught in this web and have to take a backseat to immaturity. The film made less than $3,000 from what IMDb says. Apparently I am not alone in not liking this movie. IMDb says this review has to contain at least 10 lines of text but I find myself having trouble writing any more. I have liked Catherine Hardwicke's other works but this one seems juvenile and underdeveloped. Maybe she can stop living in the past and user her vision to evolve into something more.
adi_2002 Hayley, a successful singer makes a perfect duo with Jack. They have many fans and peoples comes to their concerts to hear them sing. One night Jack dies after an drug overdose and in his replacement is brought Enzo, an young and talented composer and singer. But things soon get out of control and the two reaches to make more then just music so Hayley is cheating on his husband, Carter. Their adventures keeps on repeating and Hayley remains pregnant although the intimate relationship between her and Carter and almost nonexistent. He soon starts to believe that there is something going on with her wife and the new singer and now Hayley asks help from Annie in order to try and straight things up. But it will not be so easy because Enzo is not who she imagine to be.The beginning is good, then it becomes confusing, boring and unwatchable but the last half an hour is the best and manage to save the whole movie along with the good performance from Xavier Samuel.
flitz35 Wow reading some of the reviews in don't understand how this movie was slammed. I think the biggest flaw was the marketing. Just look at the cover. If you judge it by the cover I can see not giving it a chance. But believe me this movie was more then you'll ever bargain for.A movie does a few things that make men like it. Such as keeping my interest for the entire time and not being able to get up out of your seat. Plush did that for me. The acting was great the story was great and everything else. I would of spent money to see this especially if more money was spent on marketing and I wouldn't if been disappointed and neither would you. Give it a shot.