Murder of a Cat
Murder of a Cat
| 24 April 2014 (USA)
Murder of a Cat Trailers

When someone murders his beloved cat, Clinton, an adult child, demands justice. Taking it upon himself to solve the case, he teams up with an unlikely ally, Greta, and the two set out to find the culprit lurking in their small suburban town. But as Clinton searches for the truth, he begins to uncover a conspiracy that goes far deeper than he anticipated.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
John Graffio Good writing. You can feel it from the beginning that you're in for a treat. Yes, they do catch the culprit. But it's not typical lighthearted good-guy / bad-guy fare. The characters are complex. They resolve problems and escape the prisons they've built for themselves as a result of Clinton's (played perfectly by Fran Kranz) dogged insistence on finding the killer of his cat.The subtext of the story is what stays with you and makes you think about life. Clinton is portrayed as an insecure momma's boy, unable to support himself, spending his days creating little figurines and trying to sell them from his mother's front lawn. Your first impression is that he's a pathetic, harmless loser doomed to a life of obscure mediocrity. There is nothing to indicate otherwise, until someone shoots his aging cat with a crossbow, leaving the poor animal to drag itself to Clinton's house and finally die there. Clinton's sadness is off the charts. His only friend in the world is mercilessly shot down and left to die alone. Instead of simply moving on with life, Clinton transforms into a relentless crusader, pestering and bullying anyone who won't help him locate the killer of his cat.Clinton's probing reveals sordid secrets of almost everyone he investigates. Every attempt to stop him fails. His sometime ally is Greta (played by Nikki Reed) who "co-owned" the cat. Even she drops out of the investigation when her secrets are revealed. But nothing will stop Clinton. As he knocks down and reveals each character's personal tragedy, he does what you don't expect: he shows true compassion for them. Clinton the oddball is the only character true to himself and his convictions. His human authenticity is a trans-formative power that forces his antagonists to let down their facades and become human again.You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll feel something profound. See this movie.
zif ofoz ...... makes you grow up! And in 'Murder of a Cat' that is what we see. Clinton Moisey played by Franz Kranz finds his way out of his mothers basement, he exposes a corrupt local business, and then wins the affection of the girl he loves. All because he loved his cat first!Clinton is determined to solve the mystery of the 'arrow' and it takes him on a journey into himself and the community around him. This flick is lighthearted and often silly but the message prevails - behind every evil or good act there are many stories to be found.Some readers will think my review is finding too much in this simple flick but I think not. Kranz gives a stellar performance in his role as the adult that hasn't grown up but is forced to by circumstance. Once he made up his mind to solve the mystery he discovers there's more to himself than he or his mother realized.Fun, funny, silly, entertaining, and thought provoking.
Suradit Clinton is a socially inept and challenged young man who lives in his mother's basement where he makes small action figure dolls. His best friend is a 17 year old cat. The cat is murdered. Clinton decides to play detective. It turns out the cat was leading a double life with another owner-friend, Greta, who thought the cat was hers. She is a young woman who lives in a senior citizens' home. Clinton and Greta then do some detecting together and uncover nefarious doings at a local department store that relate, quite improbably, to the cat's murder. I'm not sure who the intended audience for this film is meant to be, but I'd say fans of The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew might find it barely entertaining. As a half-hour or one-hour TV show, it would have been somewhat tolerable, but running an hour and forty minutes it dragged on way too long. Considering some of the actors involved, Greg Kinnear & Blythe Danner, among others, I expected a better quality result. Unfortunately it was more tedious and ridiculous than amusing or intriguing. The supposed suspense and mystery never really amounted to anything that would keep the viewer engaged. Although there was a romantic connection that developed between the two central characters, even that was unbelievable. There were some chuckles along the way, but they were few and far between. It was a major disappointment.
Cinnyaste Check any screen writing manual for definitions of plot point, twist, rising action. Then the RomCom playbook: meet girl, lose girl by self, regain girl, lose girl to externals, win girl.Paint-by-numbers.The script for "Murder of a Cat" is a textbook example. Each move is telegraphed. Each line moves toward the big twist right on time at minute 77. It may not be enough to discount this, or any film, but sadly there's nothing else to recommend it.The chemistry between Nikki Reed and Fran Kranz is nonexistent. The former sleepwalks through a thankless, underwritten part while the latter, a sexless man-child living with Mom, was surely directed to angrily shout every line. Even the venerable J.K. Simmons phones it in, as does Greg Kinnear. Only Blythe Danner turns in a nuanced performance.Further, Fran Kranz isn't a character, he's an annoying, trite and insulting caricature that's an affront to sensibility.That leaves only plot: a Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew quest for the killer of Franz' cat. The yawn-inducing trail leading to the killer is paved with inane set pieces rolled in obvious that the filmmakers incorrectly believed was quirk.There's a slapdash, let's-get-this-over feel to the proceedings which may derive from a tight shooting schedule. That might be forgiven, but when the cast isn't invested that feeling wafts over the footlights to hapless audiences. That conceit is the worst aspect in this useless film."Murder of a Cat" is an unfunny, undramatic, unwatchable insult not worthy of anyone's time. Maybe your cat will like it. (Maybe they'll wish for the same fate as the cinematic feline.)
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