Guess Who
Guess Who
PG-13 | 25 March 2005 (USA)
Guess Who Trailers

When a young African-American woman brings her fiancé home to meet her parents, she's neglected to mention one tiny detail - he's white.

Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
g-bodyl Guess Who, which is a loose remake of the 1967 classic "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner", is a better film than I anticipated, but still not all that great. It's more of a mediocre film that has some good laughs at time and subtle chemistry between the two leads. All of these comedies that tend to be about race(black vs. white) are generally unfunny, but this film does have some funny moments.Kevin Sullivan's film is about a young couple named Theresa and Simon who just got engaged. Theresa takes her fiancée to meet her parents and they, especially her father, Percy is taken aback on how much different Simon is from them. That leads to tension and all sorts of fun things happening.The acting is not too shabby. As mentioned previously, the actors have some subtle chemistry. I always happened to be a fan of Bernie Mac so I was happy to see him here since he was the best thing about the movie. I'm not a fan of Ashton Kutcher and probably will never be, but I did feel sympathetic for his character.Overall, this is a decent movie if you can look past the racial themes and more unfunny moments than funny moments. That being said, there are some good jokes and my favorite scene is when Simon meets the grandfather for the first time around the dinner table. All-in-all, not a bad film but could have been better. I rate this film 7/10.
mdhughes1981 So no it's not the best movie in the world and personally I don't think they claimed it to be. I don't also think they were actually trying (though I could be wrong) to fully remake the original "Guess who's coming to dinner". I think it was more of an inspiration. I think if people are going to go off and compare a movie then they don't need to watch it. Typically a remake isn't going to be as good as the original in most peoples eyes. Like many I found the movie predictable (like most) but I personally did find it funny! Its one of those movies that is fun to sit and watch with your friends :). I think it does have a good message as well. It's like a lot of movies, all movies have stemmed from something. Most romantics, dramas, action movies are all about the same, and typically end the same but yet we still watch them! I would say if you are an easy going person, you have a good sense of humor, you are not looking for some award academy winning film, just some fun watching a movie then this is the flick for you. If you are looking for something that is just blow your socks off funny then you might want to look else where.
samuelho12 Well, with no expectations at all, this movie is surprisingly lovable and touching.Bernie successfully portrays a typical father who overreacts to his daughter's personal life and creates disruptive situations between her and her other half. Ashton's acting is brilliant too, not too much, and acts out the embarrassing emotions well when he went into a black family.What made me sweating in my eyeballs (believe it or not!) is when such a traditional person realizes his fault and admits them to his wife and Ashton. Sure the interracial stuff has added more fun and contradictions to the plot.Meet the parents are good, but sure this movie gives you more. 8.5/10.
David Reid I have seen recently on television the film Guess Who and immediately I thought this is a remake of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner so I checked on the internet and I was right it is a remake of that great classic film which had a great cast. How can you replace Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Sidney Pontier these are great actors that are irreplaceable what is wrong with Hollywood can't they make anything new anymore why do they try to remake great classics you just can't remake these films today as the acting today is not that good and the overall production is not of the standard of the Golden Age of Films. I do not know how these remakes get finance to make them because they are not as good or better than the old classic's. Please Hollywood stop trying to remake the past.