The Hot Flashes
The Hot Flashes
R | 12 July 2013 (USA)
The Hot Flashes Trailers

An unlikely basketball team of unappreciated middle-aged Texas women, all former high school champs, challenge the current high school girls’ state champs to raise money for breast cancer prevention. Sparks fly as the women go to comic extremes to prove themselves on and off the court, become a national media sensation, and gain a new lease on life.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
VividSimon Simply Perfect
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Abby Watts Here we have something unusual,a movie that stars mostly women doing something normally reserved for males, sports, basketball in this case. Brooke Shields and Camryn Manheim really shine in the movie. The rest of the cast, while serviceable, aren't near as good. Daryl Hannah is unfortunately particularly silly. Unfortunately because I typically like her. It's a 'feel good' story with all the usual clichés and as such isn't going to deliver anything out of bounds.There are enough decent moments of 'aw shucks' I guess to keep watching, but really, this not a great movie. Except for one key moment at the end it's predictable. It features almost all the clichéd characters one would expect in this type of movie (wholesome do-gooder, closeted lesbian, town tramp, stoner chick, sassy black lady and even for some reason a midget), with them behaving just like you'd expect. The basketball scenes are filmed in quick succession, which suggests there were many takes and although it's meant to convey the action of the game it actually gets tiresome. Except for Brooke Shields and maybe Daryl Hannah, none of the women are remotely athletic. The music is conventional with the typical piano interlude when the scenes are sad and the typical repetitive rock blaring away during the action sequences.In short, mildly enjoyable for some solid performances and interesting basic premise, but nothing special. I really wanted to love this movie because of the great cast, but they only serve to add fine sauce to a bad dish. Watch if there's nothing else on.
thehappycow This movie is like comfort food to any (intelligent) woman going thru menopause. How many movies can say that? Progressive and interesting on a number of different levels. Real life with no pretense, no plastic surgery. The cast is fabulous. Brooke Shields, Wanda Sykes, Daryl Hannah and Virginia Madsen, they are all interesting and should have been more developed as characters. And Mark Povinelli as the ex-veterinarian/coach? Kidnapping dogs to clean their teeth? Yes! Moonlight rescue! So progressive, pro tolerance, pro kindness. Of course the idea of charity basketball games to fund the mobile unit screening for breast cancer is great, but there is so much more here. Eric Roberts is a very believable character but he was a little obsessed with his hair. I mean, what man plays with his hair like that? Whatever. This movie is specifically wonderful from a human kindness/tolerance prospective. Bravo!
TxMike We found this one on Netflix streaming movies. We weren't looking for much, just entertainment for a summer night, and this funny movie worked just fine.Set in the little fictional town of Burning Bush, Texas, but filmed in and around the New Orleans area, Brooke Shields is Beth Humphrey. She finds out that a traveling mammogram bus will lose its funding because the person who had done the paperwork had neglected to notice it had to be renewed each year. It turns out Beth was the negligent one!So she has a crazy idea, if she and 4 others from the early 1980s basketball team could get together and issue a challenge to the local girls team, who are current state champions, and win all the bets placed against them, maybe they could raise the $25,000. A tall order!The 4 other girls are Daryl Hannah as Ginger Peabody, Wanda Sykes as Florine Clarkston, running for mayor, Camryn Manheim as Roxie Rosales, and Virginia Madsen as Clementine Winks. A motley crew, to be sure, but it was fun seeing these formerly glamorous middle-aged ladies get down and play some basketball.
kennyamac I'm 50 minutes into this movie as I write this review.Other reviews have said that this movie is hit or miss, you're either going to love it or hate it... As I'm watching a middle aged American woman wrestle with a teenage girl on a basketball court, I'm thinking that the target audience has to be really, really heavy women from the South of America.For everybody else, watching Brooke Shields play an aging, hick, do-gooder American woman is just going to be depressing.I'd certainly not bother going to watch this at the theatre, unless you happen to live in the town in which it was filmed, and downloading/renting the DVD is probably not worth your time either.