The Book of Henry
The Book of Henry
PG-13 | 16 June 2017 (USA)
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Susan, a single mother of two, works as a waitress in a small town. Her son, Henry, is an 11-year-old genius who not only manages the family finances but acts as emotional support for his mother and younger brother. When Henry discovers that the girl next door has a terrible secret, he implores Susan to take matters into her own hands.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
mpstebbins Rarely do I watch a movie that makes me laugh, cry (three times), smile, as well as makes my heart race in anticipation over the course of two hours. "The Book of Henry" stuck with me a long time after the credits rolled. The story flows beautifully, the acting is superb, you feel the love, the heartbreak, and the nervousness throughout the film. We need more movies out there like this that make us FEEL. Isn't that why we watch movies? To feel something, be entertained, and escape from our world for a short time. I was totally engrossed from start to finish. The core message is one that stays with you for a long time, good triumphs over evil, and there is hope in the world. I would highly, highly recommend seeing this film. You will not regret it if you give a chance and let yourself take in the feelings!
walden380 I really enjoyed this movie. It includes a broad spectrum of human conditions and is very well performed by the cast. The suggestion in other reviews that the plot line is not "plausible" strikes me as comically ironical in light of the nonsense that we so often see in many movies these days.
Platypuschow I went into The Book Of Henry expecting essentially a kids film, I guess by the title I figured this would be something akin to Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010). I was wrong, I was really really wrong.The Book of Henry is a masterful clever title that isn't for kids and I wouldn't even say is suitable "Family" viewing. It tells the story of a single mum with her two children, she's essentially failing at life and the eldest of her two sons (Still a little boy) is the man of the house. He's a child genius and his mother depends on him to an overwhelming extent. He begins to fear his friend next door is being abused by her father so sets about a powerful intricate plan but things don't go to plan and the whole film goes in a direction I certainly did not forsee.A true tour de force The Book of Henry had me gripped with it's remarkable plot and strong performances, by the half way point I expected this to potentially be another 10 but sadly it fell short.Don't get me wrong The Book of Henry is a good film, it's clever, it's witty, it's unpredictable and it's heartfelt but somewhere along the way it falls short of greatness.It's tone is inconsistent and it would be very hard for me to narrow down a demographic, it's similiar to The Lovely Bones (2009) in it's dark overtones but oddly quaint imagery.Well made and certainly an original piece this perhaps should have been better but regardless is a sweet little film.The Good:UnpredictiblePowerful stuffThe Bad:Fails to truly deliver on its potentialNot sure Watts was the best casting choiceThings I Learnt From This Movie:Not every child actor makes me want to dive into the screen and slap them repeatedly. Most, but not all.Naomi Watts tends to pick movies that are simply too good for her
mohamedyousry-69737 Inspiring movie ggxdrfy huygc jjgfd hygcv jjgfdd hhfd
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