Matchstick Men
Matchstick Men
PG-13 | 12 September 2003 (USA)
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A phobic con artist and his protege are on the verge of pulling off a lucrative swindle when the con artist's teenage daughter arrives unexpectedly.

AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
betty dalton Nicholas Cage plays truly one of his best performances of his carreer. One of his last best too, because since the man has gotten several divorces behind him, he nowadays only acts in mediocre movies to pay alimony to his ex wives. But fortunately we can admire Cage in one of his last superb acting roles in "Matchstick Men".Nicholas Cage plays a con man who deprives naive, and vulnerable people of their money with smart con tricks. Besides stealing people's money Cage's character has an obsessive compulsive disorder, which can be described as a mentally disturbing need to obsessively clean his house from dusk till dawn. He lives his life secluded until he finds out he has got a daughter from a previous marriage. Will he quit his criminal con men work to take care of his daughter or will he continue to live a secluded con man life?Ridley Scott is mostly known for his blockbuster action movies. This movie is none of that, on the contrary it is a real clever con men story. And the acting in it is superb. I must confess that I was stunned to read that Ridley Scott directed this movie, because this director only minimally directs his actors, which makes the acting in "Matchstick Men" even more impressive. Smooth, enticing, endearing, funny and suspenseful. But most of all this is truly a very smart story. Often those smart plots are only fun to watch for just one time, but "Matchstick Men" has become a classic con men movie that has stood the test of time. I have watched it over 5 times, know exactly who gets conned by who and I still love it so much. The true to life endearing characters are to thank for that. Great acting. Great story. Con men classic.
Anthony Iessi What starts out as a fascinating character study and inventive crime thriller becomes a by-the- numbers caper with a phony story about father and daughter. Almost completely abandoning the fact that Cage's character has a devastating case of OCD. In terms of story structure and character development, this is a huge error. Nicholas Cage is at his all-time best when he gets into the character of Roy. His ticks and his habits. It's Leaving Las Vegas good. If he isn't fully functioning person, commit to it and take the situation as far as it could go. Ridley Scott decided to play it safe. Ultimately, we suffer with a scattershot film. Arguably, a forgotten Ridley Scott film and it's easy to see why. Considering a man with titles like Alien and Blade Runner under his belt, Matchstick Men almost seems like amateur hour.
danielvitolo Excellent is right. Would give 100 stars. No joke, I do not review many movies, but I was bored and thought about this movie and decided to put my 2 sense in. Wonderful show, keeps you in your seat from start to finish, Nick at his best, Great con concept, and great acting from everybody. Must see!!!!Spoiler: The pharmacy scene had my laughing so hard its not normal. Even the comedic part is good. And I promise you will love it, and not be unsatisfied with its ending. Great show no matter what category I put it in. Whether it be Rocky, or Goodfellas, Or The Score. This is right up there with them, No joke. Seriously, if you have not watched, and you wondering what to watch, rent it, buy it, find it, watch it!!!!
petra_ste There is this notion Matchstick Men is a minor curiosity in Ridley Scott's filmography, some little comedy about a con artist bonding with his daughter... for me it's one of his best movies since the incredible starting streak (The Duellists, Alien, Blade Runner). A director with an amazing eye for visuals, Scott can shoot very pretty pictures but has no quality control when it comes to choosing scripts, with often disheartening results.Matchstick Men, however, has a strong screenplay, with vivid characters and sharp dialogues. Cage, who can be a calamity in the wrong part (The Wicker Man), is smartly cast as a phobic weirdo, which allows him to unleash one of his amiably over-the-top performances. In the right role he can still knock it out of the park - I am thinking of a moment near the end, where his heartbroken sobs morph into a bark of hysterical laughter. Alison Lohman is perfect in a tricky role; Sam Rockwell and Bruce McGill give solid supporting turns.8/10
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