Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory
PG-13 | 11 April 2008 (USA)
Chaos Theory Trailers

Frank Allen, a professional speaker who lectures on time management has a perfectly ordered and scheduled life, down to the minute. When his wife sets his clock forward 10 minutes as a joke, his day is thrown off. Deciding that his strictly ordered life has done him little good, he begins to make multiple choice index cards, choosing one at random and doing what is written on the card.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Floated2 Chaos Theory is a relatively unknown independent drama starring Ryan Reynolds. The acting in this film remains good and watchable and although the overall plot seems original, it does not head in places where it could have been completely interesting and intriguing. A lot of the characters are awful people, mainly the supporting cast of Emily Mortimer and Stuart Townsend's character. Though the film is short in runtime and feels as if some plot points are added to fill up time. It feels like a sitcom television episode at certain points. There is a reason as to why Chaos Theory has become forgettable and is mainly recommend fora one time watch. The message of the film appears to be that one little change (such as changing clocks forward) can affect a person's entire outcome of life.
vcastilino A lovely movie for precision freaks! It is the story of a time- management speaker and his life story especially of that phase where he discovers, the hard way, that life isn't a planned schedule. It takes its own turns and twists. The lead character, played well by Ryan Reynolds, through a bizarre chaotic string of events learns the strength of love, over and above his precise calculations and plans. One of the concluding dialogues sums it all: "The most important thing about love is that we choose to give it and we choose to receive it making it the least random act in the universe. It transcends blood, it transcends betrayal and all the dirt and makes us human."The best parts of the movie that I liked are the ones where the confusion begins, him being seduced by a participant, ending up in a hospital helping a pregnant woman deliver a baby (and then she disappears), the wife getting a call about 'her' baby. The scene where he discovers that he has been sterile all his life (and mind you, he has an adorable daughter of seven), is quite amusing and touching at the same time. The conversation in the boat with his best friend trying to save him from committing suicide, while he actually is trying to shoot him is hilarious!
humacinar Chaos Theory is a romantic comedy which makes me both sad and laugh. It is very impressive and attractive movie. It shows us that very small things can cause very big problems. Because of unimportant things we may encounter very important and sorrowful truths. This movie also shows us that love and forgiveness are very important in relationships. Movie begins with wedding day of Jesse and Ed. Ed has some doubts and Frank, Jesse's father, talks with him and tells him his own story. Frank and Susan are married with a daughter whose name is Jesse, and they have a happy life. The only problem in their life is that Frank always makes plans and lists, and behaves according to these. One day, he helps a pregnant woman, and later Susan misunderstands and thinks that Frank cheats her. While Frank is trying to convince her, he learns that he has been sterile since birth. He starts to make lists and do things in the lists. Jesse's real father is their friend Buddy, and Buddy learns this and tries to talk with Susan. After a while, Susan learns that Frank helps a pregnant, does not cheat her. She tries to talk with him, but she does not reach him by phone. Frank also learns that Buddy is real father of Jesse and decides to kill him. While he is trying to kill him, boat sinks and they swim to shore. They talk about Jesse and Susan, and Buddy says they love Frank not him. At the same time, Susan and Jesse wait for them at the house. When Frank returns to home, Jesse runs and hugs him, and Susan also hugs them. After this story, Ed seems more clear and realizes importance of love and forgiveness. At the end of the movie, Jesse and Ed marry. This is really an important movie to show importance of love and forgiveness. Having a relationship only genetically is not important, but loving each other, having attachment is the main thing in a relationship.
Halil KAYA Hi I am Halil from TURKEY.I have watched this movie in our class with my friends thanks to our teacher.When I started to watch this movie I thought that it is a boring movie because of its name and something will be mentioned about chaos and its theory.Inherently I guest it is a science-fiction movie but then I recognized that it's not.From the beginning of the movie to the end of it I really enjoyed and could not find anything that makes me bored of watching it and I am sure that anybody can not be bored. Acting is awesome in movie especially while watching Frank Allen(Ryan Reynolds) you can easily understand what I mean.Of course not only Frank's performance is great in movie but also Susan(Emily Mortimer),Buddy (Stuart Townsend)and other characters. Everything in the movie begins (for Frank) with being 10 minutes late to ferry .Yes, just 10 minutes .This may surprise the people who have not watched the movie but after watching the movie I am sure that they will understand me easily.I think the events that Frank has in the movie are the general meaning of chaos.While watching this work, I easily imagined myself in the screenplay because there are some scenes that make you put yourselves in to their shoes but honestly I would not want to be.In the movie I think there are some scenes that can be eliminated.In these eliminative scenes I get confused for example in the beginning of the movie there is a conversation between Ryan and his son- in-love.I could not understand what the meaning of this scene.When we look at the movie generally the characters in the movie are good organized.I really liked the movie and I will recommend it to all my friends to watch it..It does worth watching..