The Rundown
The Rundown
PG-13 | 26 September 2003 (USA)
The Rundown Trailers

When Travis, the mouthy son of a criminal, disappears in the Amazon in search of a treasured artifact, his father sends in Beck, who becomes Travis's rival for the affections of Mariana, a mysterious Brazilian woman. With his steely disposition, Beck is a man of few words -- but it takes him all the discipline he can muster to work with Travis to nab a tyrant who's after the same treasure.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
MellowStello I've always found this movie to be extremely entertaining and watchable. So glad Hulu picked this up! "The Rock" before he was TOO popular, haha....Sean William Scott was really great in this film, as well. I think a lot of people felt those two guys were great on screen together. Hilarious actually!Truly epic introduction scene complete with "player stats" and an exhilarating fight sequence. Definitely a creative and well produced opener. I was thoroughly entertained rewatching this one after several years. Totally holds up:]
Tweekums Protagonist Beck wants to be a chef but he can't pay off his debts let alone buy a restaurant so he is acting as a private debt collector for a shady character named Billy Walker. Walker offers him a job that will clear his debts and pay for the restaurant. He is to head deep into the Brazilian jungle and bring back Wilder's wayward son Travis. It won't be easy though; the whole area belongs to Cornelius Hatcher, a mine owner who is brutally using the local population. If that weren't enough Travis doesn't want to go home; he believes he has discovered the location of 'O Gato do Diabo', 'The Cat of the Devil'; a priceless ancient gold artefact. Inevitable, after various difficulties Beck and Travis end up going after the Gato and must ultimately confront Wilder and his thugs.One might consider this a sub-Indiana Jones adventure but that would be a little unfair; the plot may be a little flimsy but that doesn't matter as it supplies action and laughs throughout. Dwayne Johnson, in an early role where he is still solely credited as 'The Rock', shows that he has what it takes to lead an action film; not surprisingly he is great in the action scenes but he is also humorous and makes his character likable. When first introduced I feared Sean William Scott's Travis would be annoying but ultimately he proved to be very funny. Christopher Walken is a great villain and there is solid support from Rosario Dawson as a barmaid who is more than she seems. There is also a small but enjoyable performance from Ewen Bremner as the bush pilot whose strong accent makes him hard for characters to understand. The action is nicely varied with plenty of fights, some gunplay and even bad guys with bullwhips... if that weren't enough there is also a troop of monkeys that prove to be hilariously disturbing. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to anybody wanting exciting rather than brutal action and plenty of laughs.
jb_campo Bounty Hunter The Rock takes on a job in the South American jungle so that he can be released from whatever debt he owes this guy and get his own restaurant. Then put the believability cloak in the closet because it is all tongue in cheek after that.This crazy kid Travis he is chasing down is nuts, in a weird somewhat harmless way. The Rock battles against Christopher Walken, an excellent job by Walken in an otherwise unthrilling acting display. The Rock takes on all rivals. You already know the plot, you know who is going to win, don't you? the rest is there so you ask - how is this going to go down.Even tho there was little acting, the plot was stupid, the characters thin, because of how they played the whole movie as tongue in cheek, it emerges a respectable B grade movie. Hey - you could do worse. Enjoy.
bdgill12 When debt collector/pseudo bounty hunter Beck (The Rock) want out of the business, his boss, Walker (William Duckling), sends him on one last mission. Beck heads to Brazil to track down Walker's son Travis (Sean William Scott) and bring him back to the States. It seems like an easy enough task until Beck finds himself in the middle of a cultural war between the locals and slumlord Hatcher (Christopher Walken).Apparently I didn't learn from my own Rock-related lesson with "Planet 51." Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment. Either way, Netflix delivered me another craptastic action movie starring The Rock (who, again, I will not call Dwayne Johnson until he proves he can act) and I watched. I'd actually heard good things about "The Rundown" from people I trust so I'm willing to admit that my Rock prejudice may have gotten in the way here. But...THIS MOVIE IS TERRIBLE!!! Truthfully, The Rock isn't even the worst part. He's up there, sure, but he's the secondary issue. The real problem here is the movie's identity crisis as defined by director Peter Berg. Let me be clear: I'm a big fan of Berg. The three movies he did after "The Rundown" ("Friday Night Lights", "The Kingdom", and "Hancock") are all extremely strong, especially those first two. Maybe he just hadn't found his groove yet when he made this thing or maybe he just hitched his wagon to the wrong fake movie star. Regardless, this thing can't figure out whether it's a serious action movie or an over-the-top send up. I can enjoy either one. I'm not against absurdity when it's done right and even when it's done wrong I can usually just give it a pass on the grounds of no harm, no foul. But I can't get on board for a movie that jumps back and forth across the Ridiculous Line. One minute it seems like "The Rundown" wants to be legit, the next The Rock is flying through the air like freaking Peter Pan. I feel like this movie would have fit in fine in the 80s but "Die Hard" changed the game for action movies. If Berg had gone all-in and thrown together an 80s homage/throwback flick (like "The A-Team" for instance) then I think it's possible that I could get past The Rock sinking every scene like the on-screen dead weight he is. But as it is, the stupidity of the plot and the juvenile comedy (can any movie that features a monkey humping a human be considered funny?) just accentuate how bad The Rock is.The Soap Box Office: