The Mummy
The Mummy
PG-13 | 07 May 1999 (USA)
The Mummy Trailers

Dashing legionnaire Rick O'Connell stumbles upon the hidden ruins of Hamunaptra while in the midst of a battle to claim the area in 1920s Egypt. It has been over three thousand years since former High Priest Imhotep suffered a fate worse than death as a punishment for a forbidden love—along with a curse that guarantees eternal doom upon the world if he is ever awoken.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
maxmages It was one of the first films I saw in Germany. I have seen this movie about 3 times as a kid but loved it every time.Now that I'm an adult and have a clue, I see what a pretty Lama movie is not that bad or anything. It's just a big budget movie the special effects are better in an animated movie comma many 90s troops are present in there but unfortunately not the most intelligent, the forces as well as the laws of nature in this movie are so inconsistent and the casting is not really fitting point so none of that Actors are bad, they make an effort and so on, but I do not know what's missing there.Since the film is sometimes really cheesy a cheesy actor like Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Lundgren might be better suited or a dirty actor like Bruce Campbell, Kurt Russell, or Gerard Butler. I would honestly leave the rest like that because then it would be balanced or overtake the cast and change only a few characters otherwise I like how ironic the movie is because there are a few things that are obviously only in there because they should look cool and in the movie That's at least addressed anyway, I have a problem with humor. The beginning of the movie is like chewing gum the jokes are absolutely not funny the character of Evelyn's brother is absolutely superfluous and so not entertaining that he just annoyed and the middle of the movie is a bit repetitive.Making a good movie is difficult to make a remake, so taking a movie with a great concept and just packing it into another genre is a very smart idea and I would say they did that partially, you can not do it cheap Variant of Indiana Jones designate it looks more like a movie version of "Relic Hunters". However, I have always wondered why Tab always had such a stupid curse that made him transfer money, but what do I know? I've always wondered why the Arabs can not be our main characters because they're pretty entertaining, but what do I know?All in all found. I thought the movie is alright not good not bad but quite enjoyable there are some things I liked it there are a few things I do not understand but I have not taken the urge to answer these questions.
psycosid-10273 I like it when the Universal relaunched the franchise "The Mummy" is a 1999 American action fantasy film which was written and directed by Stephen Sommers and starring Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, and Kevin J. O'Connor, with Arnold Vosloo in the titular role as the reanimated mummy. It is a loose remake of the 1932 film The Mummy, which starred Boris Karloff in the titular role. The film follows adventurer Rick O'Connell, who travels to Hamunaptra, the city of the dead, with an archaelogist and her brother. There they accidentally awaken Imhotep, a high priest from the reign of the pharaoh Seti I, who has been cursed for eternity.Filming began in Marrakech, Morocco, on May 4, 1998, and lasted seventeen weeks; the crew had to endure dehydration, sandstorms, and snakes while filming in the Sahara. The visual effects were provided by Industrial Light & Magic, who blended film and computer-generated imagery to create the titular Mummy. Jerry Goldsmith provided the orchestral score.The Mummy opened on May 7, 1999, and grossed $43 million in 3,210 theaters during its opening weekend in the United States; a surprise hit, the film went on to gross $416 million worldwide. The box-office success led to a 2001 sequel, The Mummy Returns, as well as The Mummy: The Animated Series, and the prequel/spin-off film The Scorpion King. Seven years later, the third installment, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, opened on August 1, 2008. Universal Pictures also opened a roller coaster, Revenge of the Mummy, in 2004. Novelizations of the film and its sequels were written by Max Allan Collins.
Fella_shibby I first saw this in a theater in 1999. Revisted it recently with my kids on a DVD. I am writing the review of this as i was totally upset by the boring n lame Tom cruise's remake. Many compared this film to Indiana Jones n other treasure hunt films. Whatever the similarities, this film is pure fun. It is one of the best movies -- in terms of sheer entertainment. The pacing is good n the visuals top notch considering the era. It has monsters, thrills, humor and daring close calls. The opening sequences of Ancient Egypt are breathtaking as are the shots of new century Cairo. The special effects has fast paced skeletons, sandstorms, beetle hordes, fiery hail bombardments and hungry locusts/tiny monsters. Ther is little to think but plenty to enjoy in this movie. Director Sommer filmed the action in carefully composed widescreen shots, where it's always perfectly clear what's going on. If you're looking for some mindless fun with zero story, romance, good effects n monster fun then you'll probably like this film. The sequel was a decent film. The third starring Jet Li was a total letdown.
TheOneManBoxOffice The original version of "The Mummy" from 1932 was one of a series of monster movies made famous by Universal Pictures. Directed by Karl Freund, and following in the footsteps of the likes of Todd Browning's "Dracula" (1931) and James Whale's "Frankenstein" (1931), it was a horror classic about a mummified Egyptian priest called Imhotep who was inadvertently brought back to life after an archaeologist reads an ancient spell, and then prowls the city of Cairo intending to revive his lover, the Princess Ankh-es-en-amon. It was a hit, and it became one of several movies that make up the Universal Monsters franchise.65 years later, because the revivals of different movie monsters were becoming hits in the '90s, the studio decided to remake the original 1932 film, only instead of having it a straight-up horror movie, they take the Indiana Jones route and made it a swashbuckling adventure movie. As a result, we have a movie that's more of an original work than a direct remake of a black and white movie from the 1930s.3,000 years ago, the high priest Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo) suffers a fate worse than death as punishment after desecrating the tomb of Anck-Su Namun (Patricia Velásquez), wife of Pharaoh Seti I and Imhotep's lover. The punishment: live mummification and the worst of all Egyptian curses where, if brought back to life, would unleash hell upon all of the land, plagues and all. Unfortunately, 3,000 years later, two teams of treasure hunters set up a digging site in the lost city of Hamunaptra and come across Imhotep's sarcophagus, and the book of the dead (not to be confused with the one in the "Evil Dead" trilogy). One night, one of the treasure hunters, a librarian named Evelyn (Rachel Weisz) decides to give said book a read. Bad idea, as the book contains the passage that brings Imhotep back to life. Imhotep's revived, he still wants to bring back his lover Ankh-Su Namun, and everyone's screwed. So it's up to our ragtag team of heroes, which include Evelyn, her brother Jonathan (John Hannah), and Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser) to reverse the curse and save the world.Whether you think the history behind Ancient Egypt or figures like Ankh-Su Namun or Imhotep are accurate or not (fun fact: it's not even close) is irrelevant for a movie like this. What matters is that this is is an adventure flick done in the style of Spielberg and Lucas' "Indiana Jones" franchise. Yes, the plot can get pretty silly at times and the main hero of the picture, Rick, is more of a wisecracking jackass best suited for an action comedy. That's also not to mention that some of the CGI hasn't really aged that well since the movie's release in 1999. However, for your standard adventure movie fare, "The Mummy" is a fun movie in its own right, and a lot of the effects seen in the movie were groundbreaking for the time, so I gotta give credit where credit is due.The movie reached #1 at the box office upon release, and the director of the film, Stephen Sommers, has stated in an interview that a day after the movie was released in theatres, Universal Pictures contacted him over the phone and said "We need another one!". Thus, the film spawned two sequels: "The Mummy Returns" in 2001, and "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" in 2008. A video game would also be made and published by Konami in 2000, and yes, even an animated television series would be released. As for the movie itself, it's still a fun romp to watch, and with the new re-imagining already released in theatres this year starring Tom Cruise, it would definitely be worth seeing this film again before going to see that one, and even if the newer one sucks, at least you have this one and the original 1932 film to keep you company.