The Time Machine
The Time Machine
PG-13 | 04 March 2002 (USA)
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Hoping to alter the events of the past, a 19th century inventor instead travels 800,000 years into the future, where he finds mankind divided into two warring races.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
generationofswine I don't know how to approach this one."The Time Machine" is one of those stories that, rereading it, beings back vivid memories. One of my best friends in high school loaned it to me, I stored it away in my backpack for about a month and then...when we had a field trip to The Board of Trade, I scrounged it out and read it on the train ride.It was one of those stories that is so short I could rip through it in the hour and fifteen minutes between our small town and Chicago. To this day, every time I go back to it, it brings me back to 1997 and, to this day, I distinctly remember finishing it about the time the train stopped and I remember walking into the crowded city feeling like I was in a different world. The story had moved me out of reality so much Chicago seemed jarring.And then they made it into a movie, a remake of a movie and, watching it, I don't know, I didn't have that same sense of being in a totally different world that the book gave me...And the movie, in my mind, has to live up to that experience in some small way. Or at least give you that feeling that same feeling that the world was still spinning that one gets when they walk out of a movie and discover that it had rained.It's an engrossing story and The Time Machine didn't seem to whisk me away like the book did. I can't help but feel it deserved better.It felt like I was watching a movie and, honestly, it gave me the same since that Jackson's King Kong did, it felt like it was trying and horribly, miserably failed.I left feeling "meh," and that was after being excited walking into it, I mean, I read it in 1997 and they made a movie in 2002 and, I was expecting the same feeling. I had waited long enough.So, I don't know, I may be overly harsh on it just because I loved what the story did to me so much, the first time I read it and now, as an adult, it doesn't take me to another world, it takes me back to 1997 again, and high school, and that hour fifteen minute train ride to Chicago.So ultimately, it could be a halfway decent film that I just hate because the story had such a jarring effect on me when I first encountered it.
A Lazy Bear The movie is suitably casted, the visuals are nice, diverse, vibrant and the score is good. It is a well rounded, fun action-adventure without anything sticking out (neither good nor bad), although i did like the villain who sadly appears not for long.Compared to the book and 1960 version, this movie seems rather bland though. Every bit of message you could take away from them, is lost in this movie. The novel/1960-version made you feel alienated among the humans, their culture, their looks, their behavior and the language barrier. I don't want to go into too much detail with explaining and interpreting the contents, instead I just want to give a tip: either watch both movies (this first) or only watch the 1960 version. Its easier to follow, closer to the book and has more thought-provoking content.
antivirtel I was thought, that is is a typical time-traveling Sci-fi until the first time travel, but from the second an on, it was a great one. The whole film is about the basic question: "What would have been if ...?" ... I could save my love? or ... I could change the past? - that's why I was just gave 8 stars, I think is is too mainstream, it should have shown us something brand new.The story by the way is very good, but I was thinking, that there were some contradictions with the simple logic, so it seemed to be unpredictable. I had no feelings like that, while watching all episodes of Star Trek.
headly66 What starts out as a period piece (although set in NYC instead of the traditional England) and the set up for what we know is coming since this story is very famous and been done several times in film, quickly turns into over an hour of wasted time and hilariously bad acting in the Morlock/Eloi time frame.What could have been was not, a weak effort.Tons of bad science and plot holes:The hologram librarian is for some reason sarcastic and testy with people, I'm not sure who would build such a thing to serve people in a library. He actually rolls his eyes at one point.The Eloi can speak English even though that is a dead language 800k years old and Mara amazingly learned it from letters on stones but has a perfect modern American accent. She says they all learn it when they are young and then forget it? Everyone? Why would such a small group of people have two languages? And why didn't they learn it from the Vox?If the kid knows where the Vox is why haven't they used it since they speak English to learn the entire history of the world and how to make guns and airplanes and every other invention ever made?The hologram librarian also has emotions which makes zero sense. He is depressed and angry, why would we invent a computer who has emotions? I'm also not sure how it is still powered after 800k years, if it were self powered then that would sure solve the worlds energy issues.The Morlock are wild violent creatures up top but are industrious workers down below. And I'm not sure how the Über-Morlock knows what happened to the Moon 800k years ago since all history was wiped out.And how did Alexander know that blocking the wheels of the time machine would turn it into a bomb capable of vaporizing all the Morlocks?
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