PG-13 | 15 February 2002 (USA)
Crossroads Trailers

After eight years apart, three childhood friends - Lucy, Kit, and Mimi - rediscover their friendship on a cross-country trip. With barely a plan, practically no money but plenty of dreams, the girls catch a lift with Mimi's handsome friend Ben in his convertible. Along the way they not only gather experiences that will change their lives, but they also discover how important it is to hold onto their hearts' desires.

Micransix Crappy film
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
nnk-39990 I watched this movie 16 years ago and I loved it those days , Britney and the 2 others delivers decent performance as well
SnoopyStyle Once upon a time, Lucy (Britney Spears), Kit (Zoe Saldana), and Mimi (Taryn Manning) were best friends. They buried a box of their dreams and vowed to dig it up on their senior prom night. They have drifted apart over the years. Lucy is a bookworm valedictorian who pines for her absent mother and to be a normal teenager. Kit is the popular mean girl. She's planning to marry her high school boyfriend but he has been distant ever since going off to college. Mimi is pregnant desperate to audition for a record company in L.A. Lucy and Kit have a disappointing prom and join Mimi in digging up the box. They both have a mission and follow Mimi on her road trip in Ben (Anson Mount)'s car.Com'on, it's not that bad. Is it? Everybody trashes this for Spears. She doesn't fit the nerdy brains role. They could have at least given her a pair of glasses. She couldn't wait to get into a belly shirt. She's not that good as an actress but she's able to walk and talk. She does have good acting partners and I like the girls' frail friendship. Ben is an unnecessary extra and sometimes he sticks out. What's up with him angry at the girls driving? The story structure is fairly standard and this could have worked better. It's an early writing effort from Shonda Rhimes. It has her melodrama. I just don't buy that this is as bad as everybody claims.
TheLittleSongbird This reviewer is certainly not a Britney Spears detractor.She doesn't have one of my favourite pop voices (compared to those with wider ranges and put more emotion in their singing, i.e. Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey) but she does have a good voice, she is a charismatic performer and her songs (if more before she started making headlines frequently with an increasingly messy personal life) are good and catchy.With this being said, one cannot accuse me of being biased. Not a fan of Spears, but am a long way from disliking her. Having heard nothing but bad things about 'Crossroads' there was the worry of whether it was as bad as all that, but giving it a fair chance with no personal bias while 'Crossroads' is a long way from good it could have been much worse. It is much better than 'Glitter' with Mariah Carey, which didn't even have a good soundtrack and Carey's extraordinary abilities as a singer doesn't come over in her incredibly one-note acting.Getting the good things out of the way with 'Crossroads', some of the scenery is nice, Justin Long and especially Dan Aykroyd make amusing enough cameos and the soundtrack is memorable and has a nice range of emotions. Despite the Golden Raspberry (Razzie) win and nomination, "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" and "Overprotected" to me are not bad songs at all, in fact they were two of the soundtrack's highlights and most likely got the negative attention due to them being performed by Britney.Britney has gotten a lot of stick for her acting here, and one can see why. She does fare better than Carey does in 'Glitter', she at least looks more engaged and has a better ability of displaying more than one emotion. Despite being a charismatic performer on stage, the same kind of charisma doesn't come over in her performance here, which has a lot of erratic changes of mood, awkward line delivery and lack of genuine emotion in the emotional scenes (she doesn't even convince doing crocodile tears). The rest of the cast don't fare so well either, with Kim Catrall wasted, Zoe Saldana annoying as a result of over-compensating and Anson Mount amongst others looking disengaged. Chemistry is also lacking.In all fairness, the cast are saddled with shallow and underwritten characters that are written with no warmth or originality and a clichéd and tonally muddled script that is filled with cheesy and juvenile humour, clunky and attempts at emotion, heavy-handed dramatic elements in places where the film attempts to tackle more mature themes and romantic parts that have more sugar than a pack of eight diet coke cans. Tamra Davis is uninspired visually, with very limited use of camera techniques which cheapens the film's look, and lacks cohesion from a narrative point of view.Despite a decent start, 'Crossroads' has a story that is as muddled and incomprehensible as its script, not being able to decide whether to be a road trip film, a vanity vehicle for Britney Spears, a comedy, a drama or a romance, because it tries to be all those things and doesn't work as any of them. The problems with the comedy, drama and romance have been detailed when describing what was wrong with the script, while the road trip parts are aimless and meandering and while not as self-indulgent as other music-themed films with similar kinds of stories it does feel like an extended advertisement for upcoming projects for Britney Spears herself and Britney's strengths are not put anywhere near enough to good use as an attempt to shed from her pop idol image.In summary, was expecting much worse but 'Crossroads' to me, even when judging it with an open mind, was a long way from good. 3/10 Bethany Cox
Danii Disaster The only "good" thing I can say about this movie, is that, in some ways, it's A BIT better (read: less annoying) than Mariah Carey's, J.Lo's and Paris Hilton's movies. While this one is truly awful, the aforementioned are even beyond that.The acting is atrocious. We all know that Britney can't act, but... everyone else in the movie was equally bad. It's like, Britney's team wanted to find people that would make Britney look good (at acting), which is VERY difficult. They picked THE WORST cast ever! Honestly, these so-called actors are an embarrassment.This is just another "vanity movie". It is clear that Britney has no interest in acting; she's just doing this to show off or something. There's no difference between this movie and one of Britney's music videos. None. This is not really a movie as such, is it? Seriously, I can't imagine what sort of person would ever consider praising anything about this movie. Everything - every single thing - about it is s***.An empty, stupid, meaningless, all-round disastrous mess.
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