Britney: For the Record
Britney: For the Record
NR | 30 November 2008 (USA)
Britney: For the Record Trailers

An introspective documentary which chronicles pop music queen Britney Spears' return to the spotlight after her much-publicized professional and personal struggles. Honest, raw and revealing, the one-hour special shares some of Spears' most intimate moments in the span of 60 days, and gives fans an inside look at Britney in the recording studio and on set filming the music videos for one of music's most triumphant comebacks.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
ichocolat Creative people, e.g artistes, singers, actors, has & always will be in the limelight, a public persona, and as such, having their every movement and actions to the magnifying glass of the public.As such, they were in this sort-of like, 'Prison' whereby they weren't allowed to make mistakes (however small), or to be remotely wrong, and that they were supposed to be angels, or even Godly.That's the gist of this documentary. About how Britney tries to justify the things that she has done, about her daily life, about how even her daily routine is not as regular as the others.And I think that Britney has done a good job in justifying her case. I believe that she does not do this to justify what is wrong. In fact, she did admit that some of the things that she did was wrong.A very good documentary of Britney post her minor hiccups, and what lies ahead of this diva.
jdmxrain This time Britney Spears has explained herself very well. You get to see the real person in the documentary, and not just the pop star. Even though she is a successful person in terms of career and money, this girl doesn't have everything. No privacy, personal time, and not much of a childhood. Simple things like a simple stroll in the evening with a friend are out of her reach.This documentary goes into Justin and Kevin a little bit, and even she asks herself what she was thinking for shaving her head. I guess no one really can have everything. In some ways it must be great to be famous because of all the perks, but fame comes with its own cons. I do feel for her as a human being. But the way that she talks about it, it just doesn't sound too great in the long run.Britney says that she just copes with it. That's a really sad way to live life. I feel that this is the most honest interview she's given so far in her career. It was also a good insight on the fame thing.
Rogue-32 I've always liked Britney as a performer and I was looking forward to seeing this documentary in the hope that she would reveal that she's gotten some insight into her life. If she has, it was displayed in the film at a sadly superficial level. She states she's had to "grow up" and she's "learned a lot" these past few difficult years, but from what is shown, I didn't actually see any profound evidence of it. I was also hoping she would shed some light on her bizarre behavior regarding the court custody hearings, how she kept showing up late or not at all (yet in the course of the film she mentions more than once how dearly she loves her kids). And she never talks about the hospital incident either. All her statements seem to be planned out to reveal the least possible about herself; it's more like she was using the documentary for publicity. Ironically, the only person who speaks from any genuine wisdom in the course of the film is Madonna, who talks about how a person creates his or her own reality and how Britney has at least begun the self-examination process by asking "What was I thinking" regarding this year's events.At the end, she is asked how she will change her life to reflect her new so-called insights, and she responds by saying she will go through her life like "a karate kid." She then grins a self-satisfied grin, as if she's uttered something profound. She hasn't.
Dragoneyed363 I do not expect many people on this site to understand, or further more like Britney Spears. To me, she is a wonderful, talented, intelligent person who just went on a very wrong path. Everybody makes mistakes and I am very glad that she decided to do this documentary to tell people about all the problems she faced. I love how she just talks about how she is a strong person, and you can totally tell she is, because after all the crap she went through, she is still standing; singing, dancing, smiling, and laughing her way through it all, and even when she's down, she still finds a way to look as happy as ever. In this documentary, Britney mainly focuses on telling everyone how she has been taken advantage of and her relationships caused her severe problems, in which to those problems, she chose bad decisions, and she understands that. She even manages to tell the audience that she doesn't even know herself what the hell she was thinking and to me that shows a very bold and courageous woman. I love her, and of course all her fans like me love her, and sure she has haters, but every celebrity does, and all in all, this documentary did get a little boring at times, but it really showed the true Britney Spears, and made me, and should make a lot of other people, appreciate the already widely loved pop idol. She's a very smart, brave, beautiful, and of course wonderfully voiced person who is just stereotyped by so many people for the wrong reasons. Last things I have to say, is that this is very powerful, and a lot of people should watch it. It catches your full attention and you enjoy seeing all the good, positive things about Britney's life, and you feel pity for her when you hear all the bad, negative things she's been through. Loved this documentary, and I definitely, no doubt about it, love Britney Spears.