R | 03 August 2004 (USA)
Tiptoes Trailers

A man is reluctant to tell his fiancee that his parents, uncle and brother are dwarfs.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
UnderworldRocks Want to see Selene, Dracula, and Tyrion Lannister in one movie?This movie is the answer.The three are awesome.Matthew looks like Michael Corvin in Underworld, only rougher. He would make a wonderful Michael Corvin, a berserk version of the vampire lycan hybrid that unleashes all its immortal power. Sadly, that would never happen.I have gone off the topic... Anyway, I checked out the movie because of the amazing Kate Beckinsale, who portrays my Underworld vampire goddess Selene. This movie only reminded me of how versatile Kate is. She is able to play a range of characters, from badass vampire to sweet beautiful lady.This story asks a thought provoking question: (how well) can you handle your child being different from other people in terms of their physical appearance?
El_Jefe This movie isn't what you'd expect from all the mockery it receives online. The fundamental concept is interesting and deals with some difficult subject matter. The acting is generally very good. Oldman's performance is technically impressive, though kind of bizarre: why didn't the likes of Dinklage play the part?The problem with the movie is the script and many of the overall plot points. For example, Carol is initially shocked to find out that Steven's parents are dwarfs, and she's hurt by the amount of information he concealed. Later, when Carol's parents meet the family, she doesn't even think to mention the dwarfism to them beforehand, and when her mother asks why, Carol hisses "I didn't think it was important!" That's either poor writing, or Carol's character has some sort of deep emotional problems.So, if you can put aside the occasionally strange behavior of the characters, and ignore the weird choice to have the great Gary Oldman play a dwarf, then the film is worth watching.
Bob_the_Hobo "Tiptoes" had so much potential but as other IMDb reviews will tell you it falls flat quickly. The plot sounds interesting and Gary Oldman never disappoints, though his role is bizarre in this one. The plot quickly loses footing and doesn't know where it stands.Matthew McCoanughey and his Kate Beckinsale play a couple who find that they'll be having a baby together, only to Matt's chagrin the baby could possibly be born a dwarf just as family. Gary Oldman plays his brother, who accidentally breaks the news. One of the Arquettes plays a weird supporting character that doesn't seem to have any relevance to the story. Peter Dinklage plays Oldman's friend.Gary Oldman playing a dwarf...what's to be said? His "prosthetics" seem to be simply folding his legs back into his jeans, and nothing is used to hide that fact. McConaughey and Beckinsale do a well enough job, and Peter Dinklage is the only somewhat interesting person in the film. The Arquette is pretty pointless after a while.It's one of those "I get where they're going, but..." movies. Very hit-or-miss, and for me it was a miss.
snowbuzzard I grabbed this movie based on the title and starring roles, didn't read a synopsis, or look up what it was about. I never even saw a cover as I rented it in HD on PPV. I usually do this to make a film fresh.After the first few minutes I was thinking okay, this could be interesting, which it indeed is. The acting is a little wavy, but the story was pretty true, and par for course, McConaughey had his shirt off in the first few moments.Then the party scene hit, and everything got very bizarre. I suppose this could be the point that the cast and directing staff gave up, or possibly someone else took over the editing console.It was evident that a huge continuity issue with Bridget-the Midget at the party started it all off, and it got squirrelly, almost comical. It became amusing to think that Gary Oldman probably took this role to get that "actor's stretch" that seems to get Oscars for those who play mentally challenged individuals.I gave it a 4, out of sheer camp value.