The Wendell Baker Story
The Wendell Baker Story
| 03 August 2005 (USA)
The Wendell Baker Story Trailers

Luke Wilson plays a good-hearted ex-con who gets a job in a retirement hotel. Three elderly residents help him win back his girlfriend as he lends them a hand in fighting hotel corruption.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
rooprect This is a nice movie that packs some laughs & entertainment as well as an inspiring message. Luke Wilson plays the protagonist Wendell, a seemingly clueless dreamer whose "capitalist ventures" always land him in hot water.This movie carries a great message about what it takes to succeed as a human being. In particular, the line in the title of my review (spoken by Kris Kristofferson) applies to Wendell. If you like movies about people who stay fresh & optimistic despite life's hard knocks, this is a good one to watch. Other films that delve into the same theme are "Little Miss Sunshine", "Chocolat", "The Marc Pease Experience" and the classic film "Zorba the Greek"."The Wendell Baker Story" features a lot of veteran actors whom you may not recognize at first, such as Harry Dean Stanton (who played the leading role in "Paris Texas" and also a memorable role in "Alien"), Seymour Cassel (who got an Oscar nomination for his role in the 1968 film "Faces") and my favourite of the lot: Kris Kristofferson (one of the best musician-turned-actors I've ever seen).Unfortunately, some powerful scenes featuring these actors were cut from the final version of this film. I suppose it was to give the movie more of a snappy comedic appeal instead of carrying a heavier vibe. But you can still see these scenes in the deleted material on the DVD.The film, as it was released, balances itself squarely between comedy and heart. In other words, it's not a laugh-a-minute riot, nor is it a film that makes you stop & ponder your place in the universe ...though it could have gone either way. I suppose you can take it at your own pace. Me, I would've liked it to be at least a half hour longer & feature more of the dramatic scenes that were cut.The music is a real treat and lends a nice, rustic Texas vibe to the whole show. Peppered throughout the film are songs by Bob Dylan, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, etc. Oddly enough I don't think there was anything by Kris Kristofferson. But his excellent performance on screen is enough to satisfy any fan.
Spaceygirl Kris Kristofferson, Seymour Cassell & Harry Dean Stanton carry this little film on their able backs. They are hilarious. Harry Dean Stanton in particular is brilliant in his part. The Owen brothers are usually good but in this they're mediocre, even though Owen Wilson relishes his role as a 'villain'. Will Ferrell has fun in a small, but pivotal role. It's a silly film with a silly plot, you'd be forgiven for forgetting within five minutes of seeing it. Eva Mendes,though luminous, doesn't have much to do with her role and is criminally under-used. The script is weak and the dialogue inane. The cinematography is pretty though but does not make up for a bad film.
Gordon-11 This film is about an ex-conman running a retirement home. He finds conscience and helps the deprived elderly there.Since it stars Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson and Will Ferrell, I thought "The Wendell Baker Story" would be entertaining. However, I was hugely disappointed as it turned out to be a tedious bore. The story is not engaging and poorly developed. The lead character is unsympathetic, and indeed unlikable, and I care little about him. There is no joke or humour in it at all. I can see Owen Wilson tries very hard to be entertaining and sarcastic as a crooked manager, but he fails to liven up the bleak atmosphere. "The Wendell Baker Story" is neither funny nor entertaining. I seriously expected more of the Wilson brothers and Will Ferrell.
mikeba49 Don't waste your time.Next to the "Rat brained Humans" creation of John Travolta, this rates as the worst movie ever and I like the Wilson boy's quirky on screen persona's. Their characters are usually interesting when directed and written well.The first act takes 80 minutes to develop a plodding, uninteresting list of characters and histrionics. Cassel and Stanton bring some of the only bright spots to the story as co-heroes.When the second act sets up the drama with Luke Wilson and a sleeper like Howard Hughes character in Kris Kristofferson as Heroes pitted against the villainous Owen Wilson and Eddie Griffin, your left to wonder "who cares"? And finally, the good old boys saves the day finale, is counter climatically. Wilson was really to clueless to "get the girl".Sorry Wilson Bro's, but you blew it!!
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