We Need to Talk About Kevin
We Need to Talk About Kevin
R | 09 December 2011 (USA)
We Need to Talk About Kevin Trailers

After her son Kevin commits a horrific act, troubled mother Eva reflects on her complicated relationship with her disturbed son as he grew from a toddler into a teenager.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
onirikesin It tells you what's going to happen in the end right from the start. They tried to add mystery by confusing you. So you sit there and watch for an hour thinking that you're watching the 80th episode of something without seeing any previous episodes. You try to figure out what you're seeing for a while. Then it gives tiny little explanations that make you say "oooh so that's why the book was red" (there are no red books in the movie. this wasn't a spoiler). But that's it. Tiny explanations for tiny stuff. No big picture at the end. It started horribly, as if it's showing the clips from the previous episodes, and ended disappointingly because you already know what happened from the start. But you DON'T see the things happening, you just learn as if you're watching the news.Terrible just horrible and dull. Don't waste your time
linda Well, i do love the movie, but not a kind of movie i will watch twice. The movie was captivating. The acting, the cinematography, the ambience, all is packed in a great way. Even the plot-jumping will not confuse the audience. But i give the score 7 stars out of 10 because the climax is not climax. The story is about a mother, Eva, who has no bond with her son, Kevin, but it's not written why. From the first time Kevin were born, Eva seems stressful. Perhaps she's not ready, or she just doesn't know how to handle baby because she was not expecting him. But we can't say that Eva hates him instead Kevin does. In fact, as the time goes, all we know that Eva keeps trying to love her son, but Kevin hates her still. It is obvious from the way Kevin looks at her, his behaviour is always against her, his manipulating act in front of his father, and he doesn't want his mother happy. One time when Eva tried to teach and play with Kevin, Kevin did something that made Eva lost her patience, and threw Kevin against the wall and broke his arm. Instead of crying, Kevin just looked Eva in hateful. But Kevin kept his revenge plan only for himself, telling it was his fault that broke his arm to the doctor and to his father. But later, he used the scar to threaten his mother.Eva knows something is wrong with Kevin, but everytime Eva tries to talk to her husband, he keeps thinking Eva is exaggerating.When Kevin's sister, Celia, is born and she is the reason for Eva to be happy, Kevin starts to show some violence act, like killing Celia's pet and injuring Celia's eye. This one scene is the first point i feel disappointed. A big hole when they didn't show what happened to Celia's eye, the scene jumped into a time where Eva and her husband sit in a hospital outside Celia's room without telling what has happened. Only after they're having dinner with Kevin and Eva confronts him that Eva will lose her eye because he didn't look after her. If we do not read the book, or the reference, we would not know that it is apparently Kevin poured some cleaner to Celia's eye.The story keeps growing about how Eva and Kevin's relationship as mother and son is not going well, even when Eva keeps trying to have a bond with her son by having a quality time together. But Kevin keeps ruining it. He did all what he had done only to resent his mother.And then when Kevin finally commit the massacre of his school friend, which is supposed to be the climax, i just got more disappointed. Not only they didn't show the massacre -only the bodies after- but a big plot hole here. How on earth did Kevin gather all of the living victims to the hall and make them as a target for his archery skill? By sedating and dragging them? Or by inviting them? Did he tied them onto the wall? Why didn't they fight back? I mean, the victim is not only one and some of them are not helpless women/men. I can not answer it. And that big plot hole ruins a beautiful and brilliant-themed movie that makes me decide to give only 7 score.
mikey-242-435767 The modern way of making a movie is to present situations and people in them that we have no backstory on. We are simultaneously trying to watch the movie, figure out what is going on and figure out who all these people are as well as what's going on. That's a horrible way to tell a story. I assume that there is some idea of "involving the viewer". Well, most viewers don't want to be "involved", they simply want a story told that they can understand. And any good story needs a base to spring from. Add to all the already mentioned problems that this movie just wanders all over the place in time. You hardly know where you are, when you are and what's going on. So this is bad times about 6 so it will not get more than 2 stars. That's the maximum for such a mess of a movie. I am 33 minutes into this and have so little idea of what is going on that I don't care. And I certainly don't care enough to continue watching it. Bye bye to a piece of utter trash. I might as well be watching Eraserhead again.
mistoppi I've been hearing a lot about this movie. Apparently it's excellent, but also very intense and agonising. But all that hype made me kind of disappointed. I expected something more cathartic, something more.The biggest problem lies in the combination of non-chronological story telling and the auditory side of the movie. It makes the whole movie feel like several dream sequences. It made me think what part of this is happening for real and what isn't. That doesn't seem like the right feeling this movie should give out to the viewer. Non-chronological story telling can be tricky, but on the other hand it's one of the best things about this movie. There were several scenes that made no sense, when you tried to understand when it was happening, until the very end, when it all clicks into place. Of course I could've just paid attention to Eva's hairstyle, but that's not always the first thing in my mind. This is a dark, intense movie, but in my opinion something was missing. Also it may just require viewing it another time. Still I kept expecting something different and something better.