Love Happens
Love Happens
PG-13 | 18 September 2009 (USA)
Love Happens Trailers

Dr. Burke Ryan is a successful self-help author and motivational speaker with a secret. While he helps thousands of people cope with tragedy and personal loss, he secretly is unable to overcome the death of his late wife. It's not until Burke meets a fiercely independent florist named Eloise that he is forced to face his past and overcome his demons.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
HotToastyRag In Love Happens, a motivational speaker helps people in support groups come to terms with their grief. Of course, since this is a Hollywood movie, a romance must be thrown into the plot. The promotional poster makes it look like a strict romance, and the title itself tries to distract from the drama of the actual plot. The romance is not only unnecessary, but it actually harmed my overall enjoyment of the film. If the Jennifer Aniston character didn't exist, I probably would have wanted to watch it again. Once America's sweetheart, she seems to be typecast in "girlfriend" roles, where if her character were completely eliminated, the story would plod along just fine. Let's hope she finds a leading role soon.The reason the movie has any redeeming quality is because of the actors in the small roles. I don't know where the casting director found these actors; it feels like they were secretly taped during a real grief seminar. How do you walk onto a Hollywood set for your one and only scene in the movie, and deliver a powerful tear ridden monologue about your dead child? These people who had five minutes of screen time made the entire movie's viewing worth it. It was truly incredible to watch such talent flit across the screen, however brief the scene. As my grandpa always said, you can find talent even in the smallest town.
HarryGatley I enjoyed the movie up until that poor bird was released into the wild! Yes it is 2011 but I am going to investigate WHY THE PRODUCERS WERE NOT SUED? That was a hugely STUPID thing to show millions of people and the film should be BANNED worldwide! I fully intend to contact as many animal rights groups as I can because of the cruelty this propagates among ignorant viewers and I vow to do ALL that I can to bring suit to ban permanently worldwide this evil movie!Okay I have to add some lines. People release doves at weddings and other occasions and they all die horrible deaths. They are imprinted on HUMANS they are not able to fend for themselves. The animal release programs for endangered species has been a long and difficult program because imprinting on human makes them so unfit to hunt and breed!Besides that there is the fact that that species is a native of the tropics and it needs to be raised in the wild in the tropics to survive. The ignorance of the actors and the producers and screen play writers is appalling! There is supposed to be some oversight of cruelty to animals in Hollywood. How did you get away with that!I am shocked horrified and angry!
rbferre I watched this movie on cable in a Thanksgiving morning and almost ruined my day. A real waste of time. If you are looking for a light romantic comedy, this is not a film for you. If you are looking for a witty plot, that's not for you either. If you are looking for basic entertainment, look somewhere else. Underdeveloped characters, lack of chemistry, and, worse, it really makes the audience feel like the director thinks we are stupid. For example, the main character freed up a tropical cockatoo in Seattle - everyone knows it would not survive; second, he proposes a Home Depot (disgusting product placement, I am wondering how much HD paid for that) shopping spree to help curing a father from the loss of his child. Not bad acting from the actor who played the guru, but his actions were corny and unbelievable to me. He had a secret hidden from his audience. If he was really a celebrity, I can't believe that "big secret" (totally predictable) never came to surface before. Oh yes, and I can't get past the idea that his chin looks like his behind. Anniston's character was totally bland and never made a point. Even pretended to be a deaf lady to avoid guys hitting on her - not tasteful at all. She seemed like she was feeling sick the whole movie. Finally, the couple only gets to kiss each other in the last scene of the movie and - amazing - the kiss looked like anything but a kiss between lovers!! Avoid, avoid, avoid!!
mburgermeister this is the first review i've written and am only doing so because my comcast guide gave this film a one-star review. it's much better than that. if 'the ugly truth' and 'made of honor' are getting two stars, then this is easily 3.5 stars.aaron eckhart plays a successful, widowed, author and jennifer aniston plays girl-picking-the-wrong-guy florist. stop me if you heard this before, i know. they grow to like/love each other and she helps him through his unresolved pain.i'm mainly responding to the harsh reviews and trying to understand them. was this promoted as a romantic comedy? if so... then blame the distributors. it is, in fact, a character drama and if you thought you were tuning in for light faire, you would rightfully feel tricked.another grievance could be that it doesn't hit the mark for a tearjerker. yeah, somehow with the script it feels like it could/should move you more than it did. and while i agree that eckhart and aniston played it restrained, i also think they put forward engaging real-people performances. they didn't over-reach, i didn't cry, and that's OK.i just want to put a comment out to recommend you go ahead and watch this movie and as long as you're not expecting 'the proposal' or 'the wedding date' i bet you'll be happy you watched.
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