The Dark Crystal
The Dark Crystal
PG | 17 December 1982 (USA)
The Dark Crystal Trailers

On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfling embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a magical crystal and restore order to his world, before the grotesque race of Skeksis find and use the crystal for evil.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Tweetienator Ueberfantastic movie by Jim Henson and Frank Oz. I watched The Dark Crystal in my youth and I still watch it from time to time, and after all those years the magic is still there. If you like fairy-tales, fantasy, magic, puppets, this one is made for you.The Dark Crystal: easy one of the best fantasy movies of all time and if, for whatever reason, you still don't know this pearl yet, watch and follow Jen & Kira on their quest.
magpiemb So I just finished watching this piece of garbage and it's bad. Really, really bad. However I watched this a group of friends and we haven't laughed this much in a while. Every time a scene with those bird things showed up or one of the small troll things were snatched everybody laughed until they cried. We couldn't finish it though because the puppets were making us uncomfortable and honestly we don't need that in our lives.
Paul Magne Haakonsen For some odd reason then I never have gotten around to watching "The Dark Crystal", despite the fact that the movie is from 1982 and also despite the fact that I have been playing fantasy RPG since around 1985. But 2017 was the year that I finally got to watch it.The story told in this movie was actually rather good story, and it being a very classic fantasy tale, but I will also say that it was a generic one of such stories. But that was not really a bad thing. If you enjoy the fantasy genre, then you will definitely enjoy the story told in "The Dark Crystal".The creature design in the movie was quite good, but of course that was to be expected given this being at the hands of Jim Henson and Frank Oz. The level of details on the characters and creatures was just spectacular, and the ideas for the creatures was quite good and very much in the fantasy genre.In fact, the entire world was vibrant and felt very much alive. And the amounts of detail in the sets, props and costumes was just mind-blowing. They really put so much effort into bringing this fantasy world to life that you feel like you are right there yourself. I was more than impressed by the level of details there was to be seen in every single shot.I watched "The Dark Crystal" with my seven year old son, and he was also quite entertained by the movie, and found many of the creatures to be rather interesting and fun to look at.It should be said that the storyline is rather generic and predictable, which might not be the best of selling points. But personally I could look past that because of my admiration and love for the fantasy genre.If you enjoy the fantasy genre, then you really much take the time to sit down to watch "The Dark Crystal". This is definitely a typical and classic Jim Henson and Frank Oz movie. And I will say that the movie also has enough contents to actually support being watched more than just once.
FilmBuff1994 The Dark Crystal is a very mediocre movie with a well structured storyline, despite not putting in enough time for heart, and a terrific voice cast. It's certainly a visually dazzling film, every moment looks absolutely beautiful, Jim Henson really went above and beyond for this project (which he made simultaneously with the Great Muppet Caper), building puppets and sets that can easily distract it's audience from the pure mediocrity of the story. I felt like the film didn't put in enough time to really develop this story beyond the complexity, trying to restore order to the world and the pure imagination of this universe is great and it's right that they put in the time to develop it, but they didn't give enough time for heart and emotional scenes, it's stuff like that that could have made this a really great film, and it's what Henson has done so well in the past with the likes of Sesame Street and the Muppets. I also didn't find myself really caring for these characters journey, Jen and Kira have very poor dialogue and I simple didn't find them likable, and when the two main characters aren't doing anything for you, then you're going to have a hard time being intrigued by the story. It's certainly a beautiful and very well made production that is worth the watch for the sake of the legend that is Jim Henson and his dedication to this art form, but when it comes to story and characters, the Dark Crystal didn't take my breath away, it really wasn't for me, other people may like it, die hard puppet and fantasy fans should love it, but I couldn't recommend it. The Grellings now face a bleak future under the control of the Skeksis, unless they manage to find and replace the missing shard of a powerful crystal.