Mean Creek
Mean Creek
R | 20 August 2004 (USA)
Mean Creek Trailers

Teenagers living in small-town Oregon take a boat trip for a birthday celebration. When they get an idea to play a mean trick on the town bully, it suddenly goes too far. Soon they're forced to deal with the unexpected consequences of their actions.

Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
RileyOnFilm Some movies remind me of the dark place that exists in us. Either that or the dangerous claws of innocence that rip our precious loves to ribbons. This one's like that.Billy Joel said a woman will "carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding" but it's not just a woman, men and women alike kill, cover it up, even live with it all their lives sometimes. When we see it in film, we cringe but the prisons and homes of America are probably full of killers we never find out about. Ultimately it's the choices we make to act or react to anger in vengeance and so forth. Characters who react well, sometimes end up well. Sometimes those who don't, end up well also. It's messed up right? Well that's life and you're in it. This movie reminds you of that.A bully, his friend, a young girl, his accomplices. They all have choices to make. I like this film because it deals with perception and perspective. When seen through the bullies eyes, we see him a victim. When seen through the young girl's eyes, the victims are chosen based on convention and maybe, just plain old good raising? I can't say here and now. What do you think of this film? This is one you have to take a stand on. Bullying is exploding across our world. How you teach your kids to respond to it is crucial. This film may help open that conversation. It's an excellent film but I would have liked to have seen a little more character development of all the kids. Maybe that's just because I like to get inside characters in films with heavy concepts like bullying. I still recommend it highly as is.This is a very dark film and I think real life is dark so it's realistic. If you've seen it, what do you think of it? The questions lays before you, inescapably. If you haven't seen it, take some time and watch this small town simple film that just might blow your mind about innocence, bullying, and where the two shall meet.
r-smith-92 I was actually expecting much based on the simple but interesting premise and the intriguing poster which for once caught my attention. However, this is not particularly impressive. The acting is passable but none of the actors show much range of abilities. Except for the bully, all the characters are pretty one dimensional. This is a character driven movie lacking in good dialogue and characterization.*SPOILERS* After the bully dies, the movie includes barely any discussion on what they should do and all the characters react the way you would expect them to. The characters show barely any emotion at all. There are so many opportunities for powerful performances and memorable dialogue here. But instead they decide without any real discussion to bury the body (which is the stupidest decision ever) and then later the discussion about coming clean is not even included in the film.The first part of the movie about bullying and adolescence was pretty good. The second part of the movie, after the bully dies, is completely uninteresting because nothing happens. Everybody agrees with Clyde that they should hide the body and then later everybody but Clyde decides to tell the police. No ideological conflict, no exploration of the mind of the characters.
texxas-1 I love this film, I can watch it over and over again. George (the so called bully) is a sad, fat, lonely kid with dyslexia. He eats lunch alone and his only friend is his video camera. Sam foolishly touches Georges camera, George unable to control his emotions goes nuts and gives Sam a couple of punches in the face. Sam takes this personally and his older brother and 2 of his friends come up with an evil plan to get back at George. They invite him on a "day out" George is excited thinking hes finally got friends, because hes not very clever he doesn't suspect anything. Then things don't go according to plan and George ends up dead. And it goes on from there.It was so uncomfortable watching poor George trying to strike up a conversation with the gang, while they're all sitting there uncomfortably knowing what there about to do. I cringed like hell the first time I watched this. Its just so sad and awkward to watch. But on the up side there are some SEXY guys in this film. Rocky, Marty, Kile and the acting is really good.
LeonLouisRicci Familiar but still Engaging Story of Teen Trouble. The Acting Ensemble is Peerless and the Style of the Movie is Low-Key and Hauntingly Attractive. The Interaction among the Group is Authentic and never Strained. The Dialog is Sharp and Intelligent.But there are Two Major Flaws that keep this from being Absolutely Compelling. First the Bully Character is not Developed enough Initially to Solidify the Central Theme. Second, the Third Act Demonstrates a Weak Resolution that Raises too many Questions and that Intrudes and Separates the Audience from the Film.The Group's Behavior up to that point was Well Thought Out and Spot On. However, as Things Unfold, it seems to go Astray in an Ending that is neither Quite Believable or Satisfying. There is much to Praise in the Director's First Film, but adapting the Premise of some Very Fine Movies, that are so Similar that Comparisons are Inevitable, there must be some sort of Hook to set it apart and in that, this Film Fails to Deliver.