Girl Asleep
Girl Asleep
NR | 20 October 2015 (USA)
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The world is closing in on Greta Driscoll. On the cusp of turning fifteen she can't bear to leave her childhood, it contains all the things that give her comfort in this incomprehensible new world. She floats in a bubble of loserdom with her only friend Elliott, until her parents throw her a surprise 15th birthday party and she's flung into a parallel place; a world that's weirdly erotic, a little bit violent and thoroughly ludicrous - only there can she find herself.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
mantroust Greta is new in town. New school, new friends and she will be turning 15 soon! Some weird fantasies running through her teenage mind. She is confused about herself, not knowing how to get in touch with her peers. And few popular (and mean) school girls make pressure on her. As if that were not bad enough, her mother planned to organize a birthday party with Greta's new school mates...Bethany Whitmore doing great job here as Greta. You can really feel with her. Unconventional fantasy story give you a thrill. Supporting characters are on the right place. Really good soundtrack with 70's feeling is really enjoyable.This is an amazing, warm hearted, visually brilliant coming-of-age movie. Watch it!
Reno Rangan This is a short Aussie film, kind of inspired by 'Alice in Wonderland', but originally based on the stage play of the same name. A teen comedy set in the 70s and revolved around a birthday party. So, newly moved into the town, Greta, finds hard to make friends, except a boy. Entering 15th, her family wants to throw a big birthday party inviting her new schoolmates, against her will. On the occasion, something goes wrong and the next minute, she's in a strange place with strange events and people. Her adventure begins to return home and the party she had left behind in halfway which revealed in the rest of the film.I thought it was a children's and family film, but some of the references like relating to sex was a bold move. Though nothing was serious, if you are not considering the matter to the deep. It was just like any teen film, a simple topic. Creatively enough, but not impressive enough film. Those 70s were the plus point, especially for a comedy, that timeline is always so funny.Decent performances and filmmaking, should have been improvised the screenplay. But my guess is the budget. It is a small cost film, but if they had better financing, surely they would have pulled it off so much better than this. Now it is an average coming-of-age comedy- fantasy, but worth a watch if you are not forcing yourself into it.5/10
samuelmcgregor Napoleon dynamite meets Pans Labyrinth, not in a good way.This film was beautifully shot with a very faithful recreation of 70's Australian fashion and style down to the Eames replica couches and hotted up HQ panel van. But sadly falls flat with a distinct lack of narrative tension and confusing fantasy element which adds nothing to the film.Despite the very accurate recreation of the physical world of the 70's, much of the dialogue feels very out of place, reminiscent of new-age psychobabble of the 2010's. There are a few solid jokes all relating to aspects of the 70's we'd rather forget, but far from enough to entertain for the 90 minute run time.Do yourself a favour, go watch Napoleon Dynamite or Pans Labyrinth, and give this one a miss.
Morgan Moroney After seeing the Windmill Theatre stage show in 2014, I was definitely hesitant as to how they'd transfer the production to the screen, especially the more dream-like sequences as they worked so well on stage.I was pleasantly surprised at the faithful retelling of the story, and blown away by the beautiful cinematography. Every shot is composed to perfection with clean lines dominating the first section and skewed lines dominating the dream sequences making for a nice contrast between the two.Hilarious dance sequences topped off the 70's vibe, with a number of outstanding amateur backup cast. Although it is different from the original stage production, I think anyone who enjoyed it will love this.
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