Filth and Wisdom
Filth and Wisdom
| 13 February 2008 (USA)
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Filth & Wisdom is a poignant view of the lives of three not quite ordinary friends settled into meaningless jobs that barely keep them afloat while helping to finance their dreams of bigger and brighter futures. Their unique yet universal stories capture their struggles that are at turns funny and tragic but always brutally honest. Their intertwined lives explore the inevitable: a path paved with filth will often end in wisdom and one paved with wisdom will often end in filth.

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
chester_staines I cannot ever recall writing a review on this site before, but I felt compelled to after looking up the average rating out of curiosity and seeing a score of 5.1. Generally for any given film I can put my own taste aside and guess within half a point what the IMDb general consensus will be. I'd have gone here for something like 7.4 ... (and rated it 7 myself). Maybe as some other reviewer's have suggested, people's judgement has been affected by the hype and media around this film. I was fortunate enough to watch it knowing nothing about it and enjoying the ride. I found Eugene Hütz's character completely believable and felt the film managed to steer way clear of being pretentious yet telling an amusing story. OK, so it's no Trainspotting, but then again it is something different and in my opinion, worth a watch!
Raddish72 I watched this last night On-Demand and although it was lacking in some others, I still found it worth watching. Eugene Hutz is fabulous in everything he does so I fully understand Madonna basically making this film to highlight him and Gogol Bordello. My main issue with the film was the lack of comradery between the roommates. They were supposed to be very close and I never got that impression. And there was basically no back story on any of the characters. But I do get what Madonna was trying to do with this. She just fell short a little. But I think she's on the right track. Also, one of the main characters, Vicky McClure was quite good. I would like to see her in more films. But definitely see this if you are a fan of Gogol Bordello.
gcatelli "Filth and Wisdom" illustrates that growing up requires getting your hands dirty -- you can't gain wisdom by spending your life in a germ-free bubble. however, that's too many words for a title, so it's called "Filth and Wisdom" instead.imo, relative to current pop culture, there's no "filth", as such, in this movie, except for Eugene Hutz's filthy feet shoved in the face of the viewer during an otherwise moving scene, which shows the reconciliation of two sisters who had been feuding.indeed, the film would have been substantially improved if Eugene Lutz'z ego had been edited down from the size of the Titanic to, say, the Love Boat.nonetheless, this little indie film is a very warm-hearted look at the unavoidable conflict between the fact that society must have rules to be society, but humans must sometimes bend or even break these rules to be humans.
kosmasp At least you could be forgiven thinking exactly that, if you look at the main player (also some sort of narrator) in Madonnas movie. Strangely (or maybe not) the movie seems to appeal more to women. I can't really explain this, but it did work better for woman. If it's only a Madonna star factor or a genuine nerve she hit with this one, is something I can't tell you ...I can tell you though, that the performances are good, in a strange kind of way. Let's say, that the movie has Madonna written all over itself. You will most likely, either hate or love the film. Off beat and although it looks like a mess, it can be a lot of fun. That is, if you let yourself into the mood of the movie. So leave the prejudices at the door or don't enter at all!