Fight Club
Fight Club
R | 15 October 1999 (USA)
Fight Club Trailers

A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until an eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
elioraad The roles fit the actors very well. The ending was so surprising and unexpected. The physical appearance of the actors is more than enough to convince you that they fit the roles. The storyline is new and changed the movie industry in a magnificent way. Even though this movie is old but in my opinion it's still one the best movies ever made and deserves to be in the top 10 best movies and will always be remembered by it's story and actors and specially the amazing photography
shubhamthakursvt This is too overrated... You will stop watching it in like first half. As compared to other movies in the category, this one is the worst experience.
lordsbehemoth Man after this film me and my friends started a fight club LOL. We were young and dumb. But this was one of my first films that I really fell in love with. As the story was so crazy, what was going on in the story was so amazing. Later on I found out the little tricks they put in the camera. From little still frames of Brad Pits character. It was a game changer for the cinematography industry, I think it was a time when it really changed how people like me started viewing films.
raidernation-20472 From the cast of Brad Pitt and Edward Norton two very accomplished actors to the very interesting plot that definitely has never been seen in any other movie with the mind-blowing twist of an ending