R | 28 September 2012 (USA)
Looper Trailers

In the year 2044, time travel has not yet been invented but in 30 years it will have been. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target into the past where a looper, a hired gun, like Joe is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good until the day the mob decides to close the loop, sending back Joe's future self for assassination.

Cortechba Overrated
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
sweetelands Couldn't watch the last 30 minutes as too predictable. Could have been a good movie but was poorly executed.
benjaminweber First of all, there was some attempt to make an original time travel film here. Secondly, it was well-acted by everyone in the cast, including the child actors. Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt were great choices for the hardened, older and brash, younger versions of the same man. It is well scored, and well directed. Sadly, this cannot save a film that has a hastily written plot just to make a time travel film.The central premise of the film, that in the future time travel is used to send people back in time to be assassinated because it is impossible to dispose of bodies, is immediately flawed when you realise they could just send the dead body back in time and directly into a furnace, cutting out the middleman. This is particularly of note when we see gangsters actually kill a civilian in the future, indicating they're more than happy to do the deed just to keep their operations silent and that they more than likely kill just as many in the future as they send back. So again, why bother with time travel, especially seeing as the film emphasises that time travel is especially illegal?!The actual mechanisms of time travel seem to be as confused as the reasons for it as well. It spends a lot of time setting up that when someone travels into the past, changes to the past only catch up with them once they pass the point when the change physically occurs. There is one scene making this gruesomely clear, in which a young looper is dismembered as his older self falls apart on the street outside. This is later reinforced with Bruce Willis' memories. This raises another fundamental question with the plot: why did the Rainmaker rise to power on account of his rough upbringing before Bruce Willis travelled back in time to cause his rough upbringing? In Willis' future, he shot his older self as a young man and never went near the farm, meaning the Rainmaker would not exist, at least not as a hardened criminal. He would have no one to stop upon travelling to the past, and would not have even had his loop closed since the Rainmaker was the one closing the loops. As a side note on the same topic, why did he vanish when Gordon-Levitt shot himself? As established earlier, he should have simply turned into a corpse!These weren't the only two issues I had with the plot, but they were the two that really crippled it for me. The earlier throwaway line about telekinesis seemed like forced foreshadowing in hindsight, but at least didn't create plot holes. There were other issues, but I've already written too much! 5/10
jas-mostwanted I have to say this, i am Impressed. Usually time travel movies end up messing its own logic and become very predictable and the pay off usually is not that good. But i loved this one, it gave me a clever climax, a rich character development, a perfect emotional-Action-Sci-fi movie. It gave me all the flavors i desire in a movie and that also in a good time span. Just go for it, Rian Johnson at his best.
joewilliams-01809 It's been a year since I saw this once as a blind buy of buying Blu-Rays, As soon as I watched it, this film blew me away. The cast were amazing even the child actor did well in this film, Bruce Willis was fine while Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Emily Blunt did a fantastic job. The plot was interesting, even if a lot of it are plot holes, but the way it was executed was damn good. The score was meh, the action in this were alright but I don't really care about those just story alone was just creative and again executed well. The director, in Rian Johnson, did a fantastic job in directing this fun thrilling sci-fi film. The negatives outweighs it's negative and I recommend you yo watch this film.