Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain America: The First Avenger
PG-13 | 22 July 2011 (USA)
Captain America: The First Avenger Trailers

During World War II, Steve Rogers is a sickly man from Brooklyn who's transformed into super-soldier Captain America to aid in the war effort. Rogers must stop the Red Skull – Adolf Hitler's ruthless head of weaponry, and the leader of an organization that intends to use a mysterious device of untold powers for world domination.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
ayaaniscute Red skull was such a wasted character in this movie and in the MCU in general. In the comics, he is Captain America's greatest enemy but in this film, his motives and origins are never even explored. He was just a one-off character. Peggy's relationship with Cap also felt really forced, he carries a pendant of her face around with him and it's never explained why. People that carry pendants of their partners into battle but those people have often been married for years, more often than not, several years. Meanwhile Cap carries around a pendant of a woman he met 2-3 years ago and never had feelings until Italy in 1944. They haven't even been on their first date yet so he can barely call her a girlfriend. Besides that, the rest of the movie was good. I really liked Steve's character development of how he went from a man that wanted to give his country his all to a man that gave his country his all in his final moments.
jmillerjr-00983 This is the movie I've been waiting for. I love the concert of a character being idealist to a fault. And I especially like how that character is tied to the American narrative and culture. Perfect movie. Cap is now my favorite super hero.
cricketbat Captain America: The First Avenger is, essentially, a 2-hour setup movie. It has some good performances and fun action, but it almost seems like they are rushing through this movie so they can get to The Avengers movie. Also, I like Cap, but it does seem odd to root for a superhero who is pretty much a poster boy for the advantages of steroid use.
BiiivAL For a long time I did not write reviews with sarcasm. So the skill is not lost for long ... And just then a worthy candidate came out - the concentration of Pathos in it is the same as the calories in the cake.A bit about the previous set of pictures. When gangsters ravage America, masked people begin to clear the streets and return the money of depositors to savings banks. When in America there is a desire at least somehow to take part in the European military conflict - masked people make landing operations into the deep rear of the enemy, demonstrating that only the star-striped forces know how to fight. Actually, the original idea: we have a very correct morally and physically strong soldier, and you all hide behind his shield - safely migrated from the old comic book into today's movie.It's fun to watch how the directors mask political agitation. Even the name removed the post with a residence permit. As if to the Russian spectator who is not in the tooth with his foot, what kind of "Avengers" are out there for 2012, it's not possible to reach the Wiktionary. No, in advertising materials it was necessary to move as far as possible "Uncle Sam", which in the film is so much that it becomes ridiculous. Eloquent posters "I want you", ten pieces of proud flags, a song and dance number in support of morale - but with emphasis on the strong will of the rickety "simple guy from Brooklyn," he is recruited by the international (from the continent to the subject) , and the plot is torn down, before reaching May 45th. Why was it so easy to blame and reduce the degree of humor? Ideal picture for the final tape: SC, accompanied by a company of elite handsome Americans, thundering the Berlin bunker of Hitler and killing him, forcing him to listen to the US anthem. Then the template story would fit perfectly: the evil nehrist finds an ancient and powerful artifact (the top of originality, right?) And tries to direct its power to the destruction of the old world. Massively stamps Tesla-guns, power tanks, mopeds, submarines, "stealth", the first tests are conducted on the sagging superiors, and all this for a couple of weeks at seven military sites scattered throughout Europe. The production is multi-purpose, since there is nowhere to screw the workpieces - the main hero attacks the bases, breaking everything down to the foundation, and, most importantly, the workshops are always ready to explode. But everything in the factory is environmentally friendly - it burns, it flushes, but no carbon monoxide is released, and the heroes breathe normally, they talk (super-people, yes, they can not).The main villain has a clearly worked out plan based on a technology that no brain can comprehend. There is a legion of soldiers, whom I can only call "stormtroopers". So stupid and harmless for the protagonist of the Nazis was not even in the "Indiana Jones". Here, at the first appearance of the correct guys with guns, they pretend to be hoses and stacked in stacks. The first assistant is ready to pass strategic plans for a plate of food. Is not it brilliant idea that a bad supermund in his lair to his soldiers pushes a speech in English? After all, they will soon be imbued with those great ideals of their underground organization.Generally funny inconsistencies in the movie car. A single submarine sailed behind a group of bad saboteurs (and logically, all but one were shot in advance). In the newspapers there is a picture of the hero with the door from the taxi, which, given that the cameras of the 40's is not a modern figure, but the tables on the legs, and the action-scene lasted about fifteen seconds, no one could do it, especially so clearly.Usually actors engaged in comic sets, even to praise for nothing - they just serve time in the frame. But this time a pleasant exception - the basic composition of familiar surnames perfectly rasproboval comedy stuffing tape and tried not to spoil it. Chris Evans was supposed to play a warrior with a code of honor and a sympathetic heart, and he qualitatively makes a frozen face in a heroic setting, but thaws with facial expressions and gestures during dialogues. Haley Atwell is responsible for the romantic component (symbolically arising after the acquisition of the hero pumped biceps), and in the romance the main thing is to look good. Therefore, the case is bright red lipstick and other mandatory make-up, successfully diverting the viewer's attention - it does not matter to him that in places the emotion is not reached to the level required by the stage.Shikaren Hugo Weaving with his falsh accent, which, most likely, will disappear in dubbing. Yes, if it remains, the voice will still not be the same, but it was the voice of the Australian that "animated" Agent Smith from the "Matrix", Megatron from the "Transformers", "V" from the same neonoire ... The main villain will lose a lot when localizing, alas, this inevitably - we will only have to look at the red computer face (well at least only from the second hour of the film). Tommy Lee Jones noted in the role of a kind and adequate colonel, in the view of which there is always a sparkle "yes, yes, I understand everything". Stanley Tucci and Toby Jones appeared in the image of German geniuses, separated by the front line, and Stan Lee ... Well, he as always, somewhere in the picture appeared for five seconds. Three-dimensional graphics ... Music ... It was all, but it was not created as a separate layer of glaze, but as a cellophane package - just like a package that does not deliver any pleasure. It's not necessary to go to 3D, except in scenes where a round shield flies along a closed path, it's not impressive. Understand where the good, and where the "storm troopers", you can and on a simple screen (thanks to the sane operator and sane editor). According to the stylistics, the stellar composition, the absurdity of everything that is happening in the frame, the tape is very close to the Cobra Brooch, and even closer to the League of Outstanding Gentlemen. So with the preliminary assessment (go / do not go) I recommend doing a retrospective on these pictures, and also not to lose sight of the fact that all this is a preparatory stage for the "Avengers", where already there will be solid berries ... Continuous cloudberry ...
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