R | 25 January 2013 (USA)
Parker Trailers

A thief with a unique code of professional ethics is double-crossed by his crew and left for dead. Assuming a new disguise and forming an unlikely alliance with a woman on the inside, he looks to hijack the score of the crew's latest heist.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
demetrius11 I recently read the amazing Parker Graphic Novel series. Original Parker takes place in the 60's, is way more action packed/fast paced than the 2013 movie, and they have a Film Noir atmosphere. The Novels would make an amazing movie if the producers did not "transport" Parker in the future. Parker is a character taken straight out of Sin City. He reminds me of a tank that crashes everyone on his path. He does not have a girlfriend as far as I know, and no one cares about his love life.Overall, the movie is not bad at all. It only comes short when I compare it to the original Parker. Statham makes the Perfect Parker !I highly recommend checking out the graphic novels !
Davis P Parker (2013) did have the potential to be a better film than it turned out to be. I watched this movie because I am a Jennifer Lopez fan and I liked the sound of the plot. The casting was done well, I enjoyed Jennifer Lopez and Jason Statham in the starring roles. Both Statham and Lopez portrayed their roles well, Of course for Statham this kind of role isn't anything out of the ordinary, or something he isn't familiar with. Lopez doesn't normally play these types of roles, but she did well with it none the less. The action sequences are pretty run of the mill and what you would expect, nothing new on that front. The plot is alright, kind of the same thing as the action scenes. Script is good at times and kinda lackluster at other times. The movie also seems sort of disjointed sometimes, moving slowly and losing the audiences attention. That is always very bad, maybe even the worst thing for an action film. It's not like that the entire runtime, but the times when it is that way makes you feel like you want to fast forward. 5/10 for Parker.
mm-39 Parker is set in a 1970's profession criminal genre aka Charles Bronson style. Statham is typecast-ed like Bronson in a professional criminal role. Strong, silent, intense with a soft spot for the right people. I believe we will not be seeing Statham in a comedy or romance! Parker's story is interesting in the beginning with the character development robbery, and ends strongly with another robbery/revenge conclusion. Regrettably, Parker's story falters with the Jennifer Lopez character. Why would Parker trust the character, which disjoints the story. I thought Lopez's cop friend would create a interesting plot twist, which never developed. The action scenes, and acting was good, but the director lost the feel and energy for Parker with little character development. Compared to Porter in Payback or Driver in The Driver, Parker is missing the synergy of strong characters intermixed with the movie's story. Parker reminds me of the one of those 1970s Charles Bronson films (Mr Majestic) which is more formulated and loses movie chemistry in the process. Six out of ten.
bowmanblue ...then it's beginning to feel like you've seen them all. I like Statham's films. They don't try to be Oscar winning deep dramas; they simply give you action, a few fight scenes and the odd car chase. You know what you're getting and he normally delivers. However, if you look at his last few films, you may well start to see the formula repeating itself a little too much.'Parker' follows the formula pretty closely. Statham + a doublecrosss = seeks revenge (fights and car chases included). And this time he's practically more indestructible than he is in Crank. You may have to suspend your disbelief on a regular basis to fully appreciate this film.Plus you have J-Lo thrown into the mix as a - sort of - love interest for him. Some people hate he being included and, although I'm not a fan, I have to say that I didn't find her character as annoying as I find her in real life. She plays the 'feisty damsel' pretty well, i.e. someone who needs rescuing from time to time, but, at the same time, can hold her own in a room full of baddies.Basically, if you've seen one of Statham's recent films, then you've sort of seen this. It's not as good as (the first two) Transporter films, but it is better than some of his last ones. If you like his stuff, then you'll probably enjoy this. It's not a flop, but it's nothing too original either.