The Avengers
The Avengers
PG-13 | 04 May 2012 (USA)
The Avengers Trailers

When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins!

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
jimbo-53-186511 In order to appease the gods from his planet, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) steals something known as Tessercat from a company called S.H.I.E.L.D. In the right hands, Tessercat can be used in a good way for the good of mankind, but Loki's plans are much more sinister and he intends to create a gateway from another dimension to Earth and plans to take over the world. Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D who finds himself having to call upon the best superheroes in the business (collectively known as The Avengers) to put a stop to Loki and his devastating plan...As someone who is a general fan of superhero films The Avengers Assemble was always something that appealed to me (and gods knows why it's taken me so long to get round to seeing it). I have to admit that with a 5 star rating and the big draw of seeing several superheroes together my expectations were high and whilst the film didn't quite deliver as I expected it to it is still a very good film...It cuts to the chase very quickly and wastes precious little time before it gets to the high octane action sequences (which is fine by me) and carries on in this manner for a good 45 minutes or so. The initial set-up shows us being introduced to the characters, but the introductions are generally met with either frantic fight sequences or cheeky banter - sometimes superhero films can introduce characters in a lengthy and dull way, but it doesn't play out in this manner here and for the most part the film is often exciting, fun and enjoyable.Where the film does suffer slightly is in the middle of the picture; specifically where Loki is caught and imprisoned. Whilst I get that this section of the story ultimately served a purpose it does feel like it has been tortuously stretched out and feels out of place with what was otherwise a fast-paced and exciting film.As is to be expected in a big film with lots of superhero characters the acting performances prove to be rather mixed; Tom Hiddleston does a reasonably good job, but I didn't find him all that intimating and his attempts at being threatening were at times somewhat laughable. Hemsworth is a good physical presence, but doesn't give much of an acting performance (I haven't seen any of the Thor films yet so will reserve my judgement on him till I seen those films). Johansson is OK, but doesn't have a lot to work with. Evans acting is generally OK, but he finds himself playing the straight-man to Downey Jr which doesn't really work that well; I much preferred Evans as the goofball character in The Fantastic Four. The true stand-out performance for me was Mark Ruffalo; he managed to give Banner a real human quality and sold it so well that I still saw a human being beneath the gruff green exterior - I thought that the Hulk was actually the best superhero character here, but his introduction is laborious and as a result of this he is a little underused.Despite some of my objections, I have to give credit to Joss Whedon because to all intents and purposes the film has plenty of fight sequences, occasional moments of amusing banter and for the most part it is lively and fast-paced. Yes it isn't perfect and it's 5 star rating on Sky Movies and it's current 8.1 rating on IMDB seem a little out of kilter with reality, but The Avengers Assemble did entertain me big time and that's what truly matters when all is said and done.
avidcritic23 This...this movie here is by far one of the most memorable movies to date. The Battle of New York was a whole event I could look away from. Now that got me the most attention.
Osmosis Iron This movie knows exactly what it wants to be - a high-octane, not TOO serious comic book movie! It has AMAZING action, visuals and great humor. All the characters have distinctive personalities and looks, and also more or less equal amount of screen time and great moments/lines. Interaction between characters is spot on and it's obvious the cast is having fun with their roles. The plot is perfect for the first time these characters all work together and the villain is also almost too memorable.. Marvelous movie :)
Minahzur Rahman I was truly disappointed considering the build-up heading into this movie. When I first saw Nick Fury towards the end of Iron Man about this "Avengers Initiative", I was eagerly excited for it, but I knew it won't be for at least another four years before The Avengers movie actually comes out. All that waiting felt like it was just a waste of time. Nothing much happens in The Avengers. The only good thing was to see all the superheroes gather together for the first time. Loki was fine as the villain, and he's one of the main foes of The Avengers anyway. But it is funny that Loki is Thor's main enemy, yet he's also one of The Avengers greatest enemies which really makes no sense. I'd say that because The Avengers consists of several superheroes such as Iron Man, Captain America and Incredible Hulk, yet they still find Loki a challenging foe. This is one of the few things that doesn't make sense within the Marvel Universe. But I did like the post-credit scene, but that again reminds me of the one in Iron Man. I could be in for another disappointment again.