Iron Man 3
Iron Man 3
PG-13 | 03 May 2013 (USA)

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When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.

Steineded How sad is this?
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
yaxleycratler Not bad at all. Tony is still dealing with the effects of the Manhattan battle through PTSD and fights it throughout the movie like his own personal demon. The bad guys exploding with Extremis I thought was kind of cool, but they only exploded when necessary to advance the plot, if they a had done that to Tony whenever they saw him there would be no movie. Maya Hansen was a useless character throughout the movie. The Mandarin was super cool up until he was some British actor, I thought it was kind of disappointing, but then Killian was the Mandarin just didn't make sense. Guy Pearce was also a good villain despite what they made him into. The scene where Tony saved everyone from falling out of the plane was cool and the ending fight scene with all the Iron Man suits was pure awesomeness. I liked the movie a lot despite some of its problems, it is still a worthy movie.
shemarnold Definitely not the best Iron Man movie and one of the weakest MCU movies. The first 3/4 of the movie was ok but the final action sequence wasn't up to the usual Marvel standard. The Guy Pierce villain just didn't seem powerful enough. Could have been better. Overall a bit average.
dragynslayer Shane Black's hilarious comic book movie spoof! Ostensibly a Dizzee franchise sequel, the latest entry in megalomaniac capitalist Tony Stark's cybernetic journal is nothing more than a parody of what has come before, a special effects-stuffed turkey whose stale, cold leftovers would not even satisfy a porky Comic Con fan boy. The cowards at Marvel, afraid to unleash a truly righteous villain against Stark's falsely patriotic robot alter ego, dump the bin Laden-like Mandarin character halfway through this loud, prolonged video game masquerading as cinema in favor of a fey, bare-chested Richard Branson knockoff intent on destroying the world and bedding Gwyneth Paltrow, or vice-versa.The Mandarin is a phony, as fake as RDJ's waxen-faced performance, with the early scenes of revolutionary fervor and violent reaction to continued colonial oppression merely feints in a convoluted plot to - well, to get us to the end of the hopelessly overlong CGI spectacle. Capitalism rules the narrative, as it does the real world, so a tween boy's happiness spelled out in toys bought with Stark blood money is as close to a cheerful ending as this shameful cartoon can get. Shane Black, who promised us his last action hero a couple of decades ago, is resurrected from Hollywood no man's land to fumble his way through the pixelated panels of this comic book disaster, tying it all together in a pretty digital package with much explosion and mayhem, his 1980's modus operandi. That there is "no there there" is as much trouble to Marvel and Black as their frightened western consumer's approach to eliminating an actual antagonist. Tony Stark is, and always has been, a rat of an arms dealer turned savior of the Armor-ican way. This is no more evident in the fact that he allows his hot girlfriend to be turned into a genetically altered monster, then casually "saves her life" off screen, while in the coda he gets his heart repaired by the best surgeon money can buy: himself. This is a movie filled with such offhand adolescent irrelevancies. Adults could not care a whit about any of it.If the bottom-line overlords at Dizzy had allowed it, Iron Man should have gone metal boot to combat boot with the "terrorist" Mandarin, and then we'd see the real fallout of Stark's first insidious armorer's holiday to the Middle East (can you say Jericho missile, anyone). As Gandalf might say, "dealing out death and judgment" is not so easy. It certainly shouldn't be left to some smartass arms company CEO.Like the faux patriotism and plastic industrial America the movie's makers obviously worship, the CGI-blasted mayhem of the movie's climax is nothing but fake sighs and moans. All that matters is Stark gets his mojo back - and never has to face off against displaced people's anger. The Mandarin might be a "terrorist," but as depicted in the first half of the movie he is certainly righteously angry - and very funny. Stark, Dizzee, Marvel and all corporate goons deserve retribution at the hands of the people's chaos, but instead they sit around the board table chuckling at this prolonged SNL spoof they have concocted for the fan boys, and the millions r(e)aped in profits as yet another company boss wins the day.
cinemajesty Movie Review: "Iron Man 3" (2013)Seldom could a Hollywood movie could recoup that much punch in extraordinary high-class science-fiction toward a pitch-perfect 120-Minute-Cut starring in done-and-enjoying the ride actor Robert Downey Jr. as hyper-realistic engineering genius Tony Stark, manfacturing remotely-moving metal pieces of his "Iron Man" amor suit, when the strongest nemesis character in the "Trilogy", coming from stumbling as awkard beginnings at an haunting silvester night from 1999-to-2000, then in tailored-excellence playing actor Guy Pearce, who nevertheless gives superb story-supporting actors enough space to shine as Ben Kingsley, Gwyneth Paltrow, Rebecca Hall, Don Cheadle as War Machine and James Badge Dale as infamous character of Savin, sharing fierce-striking moments of full-frontal unarmored character confrontations as right-down-to-the-spot of Hollywood entertainment director Shane Black had been staying fully involved throughout production to deliver a science-fiction action-comedy masterpiece of recent motion picture history in favors for producer Kevin Feige, in constant charge of the evolving "Marvel Studios", who here can count this "Iron Man" installment to the limited "Billion-Dollar-Movie-Club" members, not only in revenue, but also in cinematic quality deliveries.Copyright 2018 Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC