Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Into Darkness
PG-13 | 16 May 2013 (USA)
Star Trek Into Darkness Trailers

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Chuck E. Doll I am a lifelong Star Trek fan. I love the two JJ Abrams films and enjoyed the third part. This film, like the first one, is not like Star Trek. It does, however, understand the dynamics of the characters. This films work like more action oriented episodes of the show such as "the doomsday machine" or "balance of terror". Those looking for heavier themes like those featured in "The City on the Edge of Forever" should look elsewhere. This film is one the greatest adrenaline rush thrill rides I've ever seen, along the lines of an Indiana Jones film. Cumberbatch and Weller work outstandingly as the villians. Pine, Quinto and the rest of the cast do and outstanding job and act as the real backbone of the story once again. This film deserves another chance and never should be lumped in with the majority of bad reboots. This is one of the good ones.
Torrin-McFinn77 After watching Star Trek (2009) and when this one was coming out, I knew I had to see it. I'm not a big, huge fan of Star Trek but this was a fun ride. The crew of the Enterprise is hunting a notorious criminal. But who is the real enemy here? That will be revealed when and if you watch the film. As a reboot film, it worked for me, and the younger versions of the crew really worked, especially Zachary Quinto and Anton Yelchin (may he rest in peace!) as Spock and Chekov respectively. But if you're into deeper meanings like in the original shows, you may want to look elsewhere. This is just an action film in space. The special effects were good too. It's fun for those of you who want to try Star Trek but want action in the mix.
Michael Ledo In order to appreciate this film, one must be familiar with the original series as well as the film series. To talk about the plot is pointless, other than to say Khan is back. Benedict Cumberbatch is a rather boring Khan who lacks the exotic look and class of Ricardo Montalban. Fortunately the cast of regulars can carry the film.The film also introduces Carol Marcus (Alice Eve). In the original film version Carol Marcus was an early conquest of Kirk (Chris Pine). She would have his child, a son who was ultimately killed by Klingons. If you have never seen the Khan film, then the juxtapositions in this film will be meaningless and the genius and enjoyment hindered.Another aspect of the early series is that it was reflective of the era with Klingons representing Russia and Romulans being China. That symbolism is meaningless today, so our writers cleverly use the aspect of terrorism as a way to maintain the original flavor of the series. Likewise the character of James Kirk, who did things on hunches and "out of the box" is maintained in this film, perhaps the only real reason we tolerated Shatner in that role in the first place.Dialogue is recycled. Zachary Quinto captures Spock. The role of Uhura has been expanded and Zoe Saldana kicks a lot of women to the curb. Bones (Karl Urban) still throws out the metaphors. Simon Pegg still needs to work on Scotty. John Cho is working hard to fill the big shoes of Sulu, whose stardom has multiplied as an Amazon reviewer. There is mention of Nurse Christine Chapel from the original TV and film series which didn't fit into the plot, perhaps a clue to the next script, or maybe I missed something. Perhaps some nice Trekkie could toss me a bone on this one in the comments section and I can edit this review.Be warned, there is zero character introduction. If you don't know who these characters are, the film will just be a special effects meh. The picture has its light moments, but I thought could use some more. Hopefully the next film we can re-introduce Harry Mudd a Star Trek favorite who made two episode appearances.Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. A man wakes up in bed with two women. Alice Eve bra/panties.
cinemajesty Movie Review: "Star Trek Into Darkness" (2013)In my opinion any negative review to this picture is forfeit; this is the "Star Trek" movie every one can wish for. With connection to "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" directed Nicholas Meyer in season 1981/1982 screenwriters Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof do their homework in digesting the "Star Trek" universe created by Gene Roddenberry in the 1960s to make immersive, exciting and easy-to-follow for any spectator at the movies, who are looking out for two hours of science-fiction action thrills, when Director J.J. Abrams keeps the television-episode-like speed, supported by highest to conceive camera equipment, including even IMAX camera plus Hasselblad lenses shots in selected theatres, orchestrated by cinematographer Dan Mindel, in the game of production for maximum enjoyment with an already-accepted young crew of NCC-1701 Enterprise, who gets attacked by internal affairs in the fleet by an upgraded spaceship in deep blacks capable of being operated with higher-rated fire power within warp-speed and operated by less man-power to be hijacked by the character of Khan, performed by proper-signature sharing actor Benedict Cumberbatch confronting young Captain James T. Kirk, portrayed by William Shatner-tributing ease between high-voltage action beats to slight humor of irony with a wink from actor Chris Pine and his Enterprise inmates as Zachary Quinto as high-speed running and fist-fighting Spock, Zoe Saldana as Klingon-delegating Uhura and Simon Pegg as taking-chances Scotty, who together complete the delivery of an higher-stakes, accelerated successor to the unless ascended emotional-sophisticated recreation of "Star Trek" from 2009.© 2017 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)