Lethal Weapon 4
Lethal Weapon 4
R | 10 July 1998 (USA)
Lethal Weapon 4 Trailers

Officers Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh of the Los Angeles Police Department must stop a dangerous crime lord from China from getting his brother out of jail.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
benaboo I think one of the reasons people aren't as crazy about the fourth film in one of my favorite franchises is because of how comedic it is. One minute this is an action movie next it's a silly comedy and I actually commend it for that because both of those aspects really work. I know that's not really how the first two movies were but I like it in this one. The chemistry between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover is still there but there's also a good back and forth between Chris Rock and Joe Pesci. They have two really funny scenes together and they work so well because these two guys are both loud mouths in their own right. There is just a lot of chemistry in this movie. Mel Gibson and Rene Russo have fantastic chemistry that I as an aspiring actor would love to have with an actress someday. Jet Li in my opinion is the most memorable villain in the franchise. This is not the best Lethal Weapon movie but it's one of the most fun. It has so many great moments. Towards the end Joe Pesci talks about his backstory and you can't help but feel sorry for the little guy or at least I did. Whoever thought that Joe Pesci should be nominated for a Razzie Award has no heart. This movie is not as good as Lethal Weapon or Lethal Weapon 2 but it's an improvement over Lethal Weapon 3. I personally enjoy every movie in the franchise and I hope Lethal Weapon 5 happens. I will be paying money to see it if it comes along.
Razvan Rogoz I'm one of those people who first saw the TV series and then watched the movies.Personally, I've enjoyed it. Yes, it is full of clichés and it is unrealistic but this was made in 1998. This was long before everyone was a critic and YouTube was filled with analytical movie reviews. It is in a period where a movie was meant to be fun to watch and that's about it, not a documentary.Personally, I think it is a perfect ending to the series. Even if we'll never see a Lethal Weapon 5 (unless it is a reboot, as it was with the TV series), if you want to watch a good series, watch 1 to 4. It is worth it. It is fun and it has some great set-pieces and many WTF moments. The fourth one in the series has a lot less of these but it is still a good movie. And yes, you can criticize it as much as you want after 2017 standards, but for what it is, a cop buddy flick movie, it is perfect.A solid 8 / 10.
Jennifer (LadySailor1975) This is my favorite of the "Lethal Weapon" series. Yes, I know it didn't do as well as the other three. But, that's fine by me. Those who haven't seen it missed out on some great stuff.First, I really liked the addition of Jet Li as the primary antagonist. He is a good actor who can play either good or bad character roles. (I like the little ponytail, too). The late Kim Chan was good and can be very entertaining and makes an antagonist almost likable. Stuntman/actor Jeff Imada (the Chinese thug with long hair that sets the house on fire) is a very multi-talented man. I would like to see him do more acting! I enjoyed the big car chase scene right after the fire. It's the most entertaining car chase scene that I have seen and I still watch it over and over. I almost wore out the VHS tape (when the movies were new to video) and now I have the DVD and blu-ray. I especially loved when Riggs (Gibson) pulls the second Chinese thug (Simon Rhee) from the driver's seat of the Mercedes. That's a great action! Only Richard Donner can give us that! Of course, bumper-cars with real cars and driving through an occupied building make for a heart-pounding chase! Joe Pesci, one hilarious man, gives us the great comic relief that we expect from him; along with the usual f-bomb thrown from his mouth almost every second. I miss watching him acting and hope he returns soon. (Come on, Joe!) Steve Kahan, like the other three LW films, is the perfect choice for the captain. He is a talented actor and it's a shame that he decided to retire. But, I wish him the best in whatever he does.Altogether, this is a very entertaining and exciting movie with excellent acting and great comedy. Today's movies just don't compare. The four original "Lethal Weapon" films are the only ones, in my book. I will never see any remakes of these. Now, go watch it.
OllieSuave-007 This is the final, so far, action-packed cop sequel pairing up once again Mel Gibson as Martin Riggs and Danny Glover as Roger Murtaugh on a mission to stop a Chinese crime lord and his notorious triad from slave trafficking and releasing four dangerous criminals. Gibson and Glover continued their crazy but great-teamed partnership and delivered much humor to keep the film engaging enough to go along with the mad rush of all the action scenes. From the Riggs' daredevil freeway car chase with a triad member during rush hour traffic to Murtaugh's personal dilemma with his daughter marrying a cop, the story is fast-paced from start to finish. In his first appearance in a Hollywood movie, Jet Li proves he is one formidable villain to be reckoned with, showing off his awesome martial arts moves (it's particularly fun seeing him grapple around with Gibson and Glover) and delivering his quiet and serious, but sinister self. As an action hero star, it is an interesting seeing Li take on the role of the bad guy. There is also some added drama and suspense during the scenes where Murtaugh's takes in a band of smuggled Chinese refugees who are entangled in the triad's scheme. Joe Pesci appears again as fast-talking and sometimes annoying Leo Getz, but you actually get to see a more serious side to him this time, and Chris Rock appears as motor-mouth Detective Lee Butters. The constant rambling of his loudmouth personality can be excruciatingly irritating, but it was pretty funny seeing him drive Glover crazy. And, Kim Chan plays the crime lord and leader of the triads - an actually humorous performance and not so much sinister. I loved the line where he correct Gibson in pronouncing "fried rice." Quite a few overzealous acting, but overall, it's a smashing sequel that closes out the Lethal Weapon trilogy pretty well.Grade B