R | 24 April 2005 (USA)
Transamerica Trailers

A transgender woman takes an unexpected journey when she learns that she had a son, now a teenage runaway hustling on the streets of New York.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
calvinnme This film features an Oscar-nominated performance by Felicity Huffman and was produced by Huffman's husband, William H. Macy.A woman in the midst of her gender transition (man to woman) is denied permission for the ultimate surgery until she has come to terms with her son (Kevin Zegers), who has just rung up out of nowhere -- she didn't know she fathered a son during some youthful fling.She leaves California for the East Coast, to get her gorgeous young son out of jail, without telling him she's his father. They drive across America, meet people, have adventures, get on each other's nerves. Every time they get in to the car, some annoying country music plays. Very old fashioned.Although there is merit here, and the film is moderately interesting, the stereotypes are annoying. One is sympathetic to someone who is transitioning, but does the transition need to be to a woman who must dress in pink and says things like, "Don't talk like that to a lady!" There's lots of simpering going on. OK -- she has one good line: "I'm a transsexual, not a transvestite." For the son's part, he's been jailed for working as a rent boy. Does he have to seem so depressed when he turns a trick? And Huffman's mother, played by Fionnulla Flanagan, is the most awful mother stereotype of all, who can't deal with the fact that her son is becoming a woman until she suddenly does deal with it.This movie deals sympathetically with an important issue; but did they have to throw every cliché in the book at it? And the worst cliché of all: Lying is the worst sin. And if you are technically a male, never deny it, particularly to your son (although he doesn't know he's her son at that point, he just thinks she's some nice religious lady), because he'll get really, really upset, but not because of the male genitals, but because you lied to him.How does this all work out? Does it all work out? Watch and find out. Still I'd recommend it because it does try and deal with a complex subject that isn't that well understood now and probably much less so when this film was made over a decade ago.
brchthethird Transsexuals aren't really a group of people that I can say I understand, but TRANSAMERICA did a pretty good job of helping me get what a trans person might go through. Felicity Huffman plays Bree, a pre-op transsexual woman who finds out she has a son that she fathered a long time ago. What ensues is a kind of road movie that shows how the relationship between that son and her develops. What really makes this film stand out is the excellent lead performance by Felicity Huffman who, despite being a woman, did a great job of portraying a pre-op transsexual. Maybe they could have gone with an actual trans person, but Felicity Huffman did just fine. I also thought the supporting cast did great as well. What didn't always work for me was some of the humor and situations that Bree and her son were put into. Due to being a road movie, the film also felt a bit episodic at times. And, when they arrive at Bree's parents' home the film got a little too melodramatic for my tastes. My favorite part of the film came before this part when Bree meets a kind Native American man in a bar after having her car stolen. He was able to see past Bree's exterior to what she was on the inside: a nice person deserving of respect just like everyone else. And I suppose if the film has a message that it wants to convey, it's that trans people are just as human as the rest of us and deserve the same respect afforded to everyone else who is "normal." Overall, I did enjoy the film although it goes some places dramatically that it didn't necessarily have to go. I don't really see this film having too wide of an audience, but this indie gem is well worth seeing nevertheless.
statuskuo I regret that I came across this gem late. It is an fascinating road trip movie that has some of the most original characters I've seen in a long time. Felicity Huffman's portrayal of main character is amazing. Simply put...amazing. It skates the line between male/female so fine, you are absorbed by her characterization of Bree/Stanley over anything else. Whatever award that was sift by her, is well deserved.The performance all around is great. What is even more attention grabbing, is that it isn't preachy. It doesn't give you the wrong of right of whether the decision that she needs to make is political. It's not. It's a choice. And at the point you think it's about to get overly maudlin, it pulls back to comedy. A joy of a movie to watch.
Lee Eisenberg Duncan Tucker has directed one of the best self-discovery movies of all. "Transamerica" casts Felicity Huffman as Bree, a trans-gender woman about to have a sex-change operation, when she learns that she has a son named Toby (Kevin Zegers). So, she gets the boy out of jail while masquerading as a church lady, and the two of them take a cross-country tour. In the process, Bree learns not only about what kind of boy Toby is, but also about herself.I can't really do the movie justice by simply talking about it. It's a REALLY good movie. Funny but serious at the same time -- without taking itself too seriously -- the movie hits all the right notes. The contrast between Bree's vibrant world in SoCal and Toby's dirty NY apartment couldn't be more stark. The film has got too many good qualities to list here, so I would advise you to just go ahead and see it! Also starring Graham Greene, Fionnula Flanagan, Burt Young (Paulie in "Rocky"), Carrie Preston and Elizabeth Peña.PS: When "Transamerica", "Brokeback Mountain" and "Capote" (all LGBT-themed) won big at the Golden Globes in 2006, Jay Leno called it "God's way of punishing Pat Robertson".