Triple Dog
Triple Dog
R | 21 September 2010 (USA)
Triple Dog Trailers

On the night of a sleepover, a group of teenage girls venture out in a competitive game of challenging dares. As the antics escalate, and the dares become more extreme, the girls unravel the truth behind a former student's rumored suicide.

Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
flubzee While this movie definitely contains all of the predictable teenage stereotypes, I thought it was entertaining enough. I was able to sit through the whole thing, and didn't feel like I had wasted precious hours of my life. On a scale of "ugh" to "OMG", it was a solid "eh". It won't kill your soul if you decide to watch it, but it won't enrich you either. It's mindless entertainment. At the same time, the BIG secret that is to be revealed, as hinted at in the description, is, in no way, any kind of revelation. Any person in possession of a mild amount of intelligence would be able to guess how the movie ends. Not a horrible movie, but not great, either.
Raul Faust Some annoying and ridiculous girls decide to play a game called "Triple Dog", and who doesn't accept the dare, gets to have the head shaved. There isn't a single girl in the world that would accept this kind of game, but let's ignore that. The plot of this film is extremely ridiculous and impossible to happen; everything seems fake and absurd that you feel cheated while watching it. I was very bored while watching this, and when I thought there would be a sex scene between the rat girl and a guy, they simply don't do it. Not that I was expecting to see a porn, but it was so bad that one sex scene would make me give at least 1 star else to this. So, near the end, a girl is kissing a guy because she had to give him oral sex, and when she was almost there, the guy said "Oh no, I would prefer to kiss your friend instead of you". As if any guy in the world would refuse to receive oral sex in those circumstances. The whole story is pretty ridiculous and shameful, don't ever see this mess!
janaschulz9 OK so honestly now, did i see the same movie as everyone else? this is the first review i have ever posted because i am utterly shocked that people actually thought this was remotely watchable. the best review is the one that mentions that this one isn't for twilight fans, implying that this piece of garbage is better. though i haven't and will not view twilight, i can't imagine that something like this could be thought of as intelligent. the reviews that mention the great acting and character development....i mean really, is this the same movie. triple dog? the one with the bad girl (you know she's bad cause she wears her hat cocked to the side and the music gets edgier when she's introduced), the rich girl, the catholic girl, the rat girl...yeah she carries around a rat, the slutty girl, and then the main character that is i suppose, the nice girl. not only do you not care about these characters, but you hate them. and then there's the surprise twist. wow...i can't believe i sat through all of this. i want my 95 minutes back! if people believe this is a quality movie, mankind is doomed. so bad....really, if you're thinking of watching it, do it! cause it really is that bad. honestly, i am really nervous that people think this is good. utter drivel! you can find more tension and drama on old nickelodeon shows.
Paul Magne Haakonsen This movie was sort of interesting in a way, but at the same time there was just something wrong with it.The story told in "Triple Dog" is simple and easy to follow; a group of girls get together for a sleep-over and play a dare game, where they have to perform outrageous things. Now, something puzzles me, why would these girls group together at all, there is a lot of disharmony and animosity between several of the girls, so it makes no sense really. I could understand why Even and Liza hung out, as their mom's planned for them to do so, but some of the others, well that made no sense. Why hang out with people who you can't stand.Some of the dares in the movie were actually clever and had me laughing, but some of them were a bit too outrageous as well, and I wonder who in their right mind would actually do such things, even when dared.Bear in mind that this is a teenage movie, so the cast is almost entirely all teenagers. That being said, I actually think some of them pulled off their roles quite well. Scout Taylor-Compton (playing Liza) were the most memorable of the cast, as her character was the one with most personality. I am sure that Brittany Robertson (playing Chapin) is a good actress, but wow I really got ticked off at the way her character was behaving and talking. Note that there is profanity in the movie several times, so you might take that into consideration if you are easily offended. Emily Tennant (playing Sarah) also did a rather good job with her role.Having seen the movie, I am sitting here with a sense of "was this movie really necessary?". It seems like a fairly weak plot to make a movie on. But at the same time, the way the girls interact and behave amongst each other, makes it somewhat worth it. But don't except a blockbuster and award-winning movie from "Triple Dog". For me, this movie is the type of movie you watch once and never again, it just doesn't have enough value in it for a second watching.If for nothing else, then it was worth seeing it when you saw the girls with their shaved heads. A woman shaving off her hair is courageous, so hats off for that.
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