Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul
PG | 19 May 2017 (USA)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Trailers

A Heffley family road trip to attend Meemaw's 90th birthday party goes hilariously off course thanks to Greg's newest scheme to get to a video gaming convention.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
MinistryofDoom First of all, let's get this out of the way. No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes, they did RECAST THE ENTIRE FAMILY, all of 'em, even the dorky friend. They've all been replaced. Steve Zahn? Gone. Rachel Harris? Gone. Zachary Gordon? Gone. In their place we have Tom Everett Scott and Alicia Silverstone as the parents and Jason Drucker taking on the role of Zachary Gordon. Now, I love Alicia Silverstone....or did. Way back in the 90s, she was the "it girl" and she did some pretty great films back then, Hollywood hasn't really been kind to her since then. Her last MAJOR Hollywood film was Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, alright? So other than featuring on TV shows, she hasn't really done any worthwhile work in Hollywood films. This could have been her triumphant return to the big screen but the dialogue was bad, the plot was extremely stupid, and honestly, it looks like she was trying too hard to fit the role and it wasn't working. She was over-acting in most of her scenes and it made her look like a cartoon character more than the mom that Rachel Harris spent 3 films developing. The kid that took over the role of Greg (the main character) also seemed like he was trying way too hard to imitate Zachary Gordon. I imagine the producers probably sat him down and made him watch the previous Diary of a Wimpy Kid films so that he could perfect his imitation. Instead of being the role, he seemed like he was trying to be someone else being the role. It wasn't working. Shame on you Warner Brothers for putting out this garbage. This film should never have been made. Not without the original cast and certainly not without the hilarious writing and quirky dialogue that made the previous films what they were. Instead of re-casting the family, they SHOULD HAVE made a sequel with the same cast, playing the same roles, but older in age.....because you know.....kids grow up, right? Too long/Didn't read: Don't waste your time on this stinker. Pretend it doesn't exist and just continue to enjoy the previous films for what they were.
Neil Welch Greg, 12 years old and the middle brother with an almost-toddler younger brother and an idiot-psycho-teenager older brother, is taken on a road trip by his mother who is determinedAfter 3 tolerably entertaining family movies, the franchise has been recast - we have 5 new actors playing Greg, his parents, and his older and younger brothers. I do not think the recasting is an improvement. This is especially so in the case of older brother Roderick who is now played by a young actor who clearly has oriental family somewhere in his near past. I don't have a problem with this, but it does make you raise your eyebrows a bit.The story is dumb (especially the ongoing plot thread concerning Greg falling foul of a large bearded fellow on broadly the same itinerary. I know the crux of the plaot is Greg getting into trouble, but this was just so stupid as to defy credibility.This was a criticism which could be levelled at the whole film. The previous ones were more or less believable, this one was not.Even if it had been funny, I think I would still have balked somewhat at a kids/family film where one of the gags was Greg sitting on the other side of a shower curtain, listening to graphic sounds of defecation from two feet away. Farts are one thing, t*rds plopping into the toilet are something quite other.It was weird seeing Alicia Silverstone, once a sexy nymphet, now playing A middle-aged Mum. One thing stays the same, though: her mouth still has a strange sort of half-life of its own.This film could have been a lot better. A LOT better. But it wasn't.
adonis98-743-186503 A Heffley family road trip to attend Meemaw's 90th birthday party goes hilariously off course thanks to Greg's newest scheme to get to a video gaming convention. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul is the 4th installment of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Franchise and without a doubt it's the worst one of them all it's Jaws 4: The Revenge kind of bad from the awful and over the top acting to the awful dialogue and of course plot which there isn't any actually. Plus i've never seen worse acting from kids in years like this film has from the main character to his brother and beyond and the whole "diaper hands" joke wasn't even that funny jeez and it goes on forever and ever. The only thing i liked was Alicia Silverstone's performance she was at least acting and she is an OK actress in general plus this film is way worse than Batman and Robin at least that movie was funny. (0/10)
chrishayes737 OMG Where do I start : 1.The 4.2 rating is a disgrace , 2.$40 mill worldwide is a disgrace (the books have sold 170 mill?), 3.People who rated it less than 5 - what on earth ???, 4.Great new cast - casting was perfect , 5.Great story , 6.Funny as hell , 7.I'm a depressed person & was laughing out loud , how dear these fellow IMDb users rate this great Wimpy movie so low - what the heck is wrong with you people ??? 8. Can't wait for the next one with this cast , 9. I give up.....