A Cowgirl's Story
A Cowgirl's Story
PG | 12 April 2017 (USA)
A Cowgirl's Story Trailers

Dusty Rhodes is new at Jefferson High, and she sticks out like a... well, a cowgirl. Dusty is a real cowgirl from Texas. Her parents are in the U.S. Army: her mother a helicopter pilot and her father a Special Forces Army Ranger. At first, Dusty is an outcast, but eventually she makes friends with a group that includes Savanah, a girl whose father was killed while fighting in Iraq three years earlier. Even though Savanah is kind of Goth and Dusty is all cowgirl they have a special connection and they bond. Dusty gets the school to agree to an Equestrian Drill Team and she enlists her new city slicker friends to join the team. As Dusty and the team practice, Dusty deals with the fears that come with her mother fighting in Afghanistan.

Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
TinsHeadline Touches You
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
sdhpu Great movie with great moral under tones. Very much enjoyed the military appreciation aspect to the movie and the point of being your own person. So many young people today feel like they have to conform with everyone around them this movie does a great job of explaining that being yourself can be of great appeal to everyone around you. Movies with a good moral message will certainly attract some audiences more than others but overall this movie was well done even though some aspects of military uniform accuracy within the movie could've been better. As with many low-budget films there are somethings you have to just overlook. Great family movie should be enjoyed by all ages.
Victoria I really like Baillee Madison's work, so I was really looking forward to this. But this movie is genuinely the worst movie I have ever seen. And I know that is very harsh, but it is undeniably true. The script is very dry and cheesy, and the acting is incredibly stiff. In general I feel as though the actors are talented, but they just have a really awful script to work with. I don't know if it was because she was the only other lead besides Bailee Madison, but the girl who played Savannah was very stiff and unnatural. There were times when the scenes with her would be flat out cringe worthy, because of her stiffness. She seems like she has a lot of potential, so I hope she works on her acting. And that also goes with the other girls. And honestly everyone. Also the "bad girls" were just girls that wore put together outfits and heavy makeup, and acting out a little bit???? And the "good girls" wore minimal makeup and lighter clothing. I get that there trying to show an obvious difference between the "good" and "bad" girls, but did they really need to use makeup and clothes to distinguish the characters??? I also feel like there were a lot of could lessons that good have saved the movie, but they just flat out fell through. At least they have pretty good diversity?????
juniorhollywoodreporter It saddens me to see Dance Moms trolls writing negative reviews on here. The fact that they called out the Character of Savannah says it is nothing more than a dance moms troll. There should be a way to sue these people for what they do to others works just because they hate on an innocent teenager. ALL of the young people in this movie did an excellent job acting. All of them. So ignore haters who cant stand to see someone do better than their favorite little reality star and buy this movie. You will not be sorry. Some people wont like movies that show morals and sound judgements by teens but good people will. This movie had a good story line and shows how true friends stand by each other and help each other out unlike most of Hollywood showing how they stab each other to get to the top. Buy this movie you will not regret it.
Jessie I really wanted to like it because I am a Bailee Madison fan, and I think she is a great actress. But I don't understand why she surrounds herself with actors that just aren't that great. The one that played her friend Savannah needs work and it was a pretty big role for someone that just isn't ready for a role that big. Is it just as case of not having the money to hire professional actors. The idea of the story was good but the "actors" ruined it.