Christmas for a Dollar
Christmas for a Dollar
PG | 15 December 2013 (USA)
Christmas for a Dollar Trailers

America is in the midst of the Great Depression, and the Kamp family is struggling to get by, especially since Mrs. Kamp’s untimely death nearly a year ago. The older children do their best to take care of the family, but it’s the younger children—Hopalong Cassidy fan Norman and straight-talking little Ruthie—who struggle most. Now, with their mother gone and their father overwhelmed by doctor bills from young Norman’s battle with polio, the Kamp siblings fully expect a Christmas without presents. But when William scrapes together a dollar in coins to use for Christmas gifts, everything begins to change.

IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
bkoganbing Although done on a low budget with a mostly unknown cast Christmas On A Dollar set in the Depression years has a Walton kind of appeal to it. It also has a bit of O Henry's Gift Of The Magi in the story.The plot concerns the Kamp family in rural America of the Thirties. There's Brian Krause and his six children trying to cope with both hard times and the recent loss of Mom. Oldest daughter Danielle Chuchran is playing the role Mom for the others. A situation that can be cruel. I know from my own family my grandmother lost her mother at a much younger and she got to raise her two younger brothers, one of whom died as a child. It scarred her for life and she was one mean and bitter woman by the time I came on the scene.But mostly this concerns Jacob Buster one of the younger kids who has polio and of course with no health insurance and that's what's really crippling the family finances as well. Anti-Vaxxers ought to take a real good look at this film and what that can do. I also remember from my childhood the lineup at my school for the polio vaccine in the 50s.Buster has a lot of day dreams about being a cowboy hero fueled by a horse that neighbor Nancy Stafford owns. But riding is difficult when you are in a leg brace. This film was done under Christian auspices and believers will go away hearts aglow with this family's faith and the love and support they have for each other. I looked at this film and see how could these things happen in a modern age. Ironically this film is set during the 30s a most reforming age.Now we Americans are in the hands of people who want no safety net either economic or medically for people just like the Kamps. That fact truly makes me weep.Watch Christmas On A Dollar and see how it effects you.
slimrolle53 The acting wasn't that great and the homes as everyone else keeps mentioning are well kept for poor people during the depression. The home that the Kamps lived in was very nice and large for a poor family with 5 kids. However, the story line was the true meaning of Christmas. I am one that doesn't look for perfection in movies. I look at the meaning. I am very sappy.My son is a literary agent and every since he went to Film School, I have learned more about what goes into rating films than I ever wanted to know. He would have not liked the poor quality or the acting of the film. I liked the film because of the substance. I look at all the Christmas movies on Hallmark and UP every year (over and over) and all the others I can catch on other channels and I like them because I am a sappy person. I gave it an 8 because of it's substance. Had the quality been better it would have rated a 10. That is just my sappy take on it.
lablanton-879-635857 One Of The Best Movies To Demonstrate The True Meaning Of Christmas. It Is Very Family Oriented And Did Not Have To Worry About Covering My Childs Eyes At All. The Actors All Seemed As Humble As The characters They Were Playing I Would Recommend It To Everyone. It Proves That No Matter What Honesty Always Wins In The End. No Matter How HardHearted Some One Is Kindness Can Always Touch SomeOnes Tough Heart. Little Norman Is The Bravest Of All The Characters But Ruthie Is The Heart Of The Movie. This Movie Did Make Me Cry Because Of The True Meaning Of Christmas That Was Shared By Each Of The Children The Movie. There Is Not A Better Christmas Movie Out This Year It Is A Must See.
David Goodman Everything about this movies is bad. The children's dialog is not what children would say. The actors/actresses dialog is unbelievably simple-minded. The depression era setting is perfectly clean and un-lived in. Houses are perfect - with the best drywall (drywall didn't exist in the depression) anyone could create, neat furnishing and perfectly painted houses - I think I saw one with aluminum siding. Nobody looks poor. The "horrible" old "mean" woman is totally unrealistic and is just "acting" mean to follow a well worn script that has been done better a thousand times before. The school teacher is a horrible actress, even the bad kid is badly scripted and badly acted. Don't believe the 10 star review - it must have been written by the production company. Saw this on the "Up" channel - supposed to be "up-lifting", but just too simple-minded to be believable. Will make you angry you wasted your time.