Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
PG | 25 March 2011 (USA)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Trailers

Wimpy Greg Heffley, now in seventh grade, thinks he has it all together. He has mastered middle school and gotten rid of the Cheese Touch. However, Greg's older brother, Rodrick, is itching to cut him down to size. He gets the perfect opportunity when their mother tries to force the boys to bond. Rodrick may be Greg's chief tormentor, but he feels his constant pranks are just what his little brother needs to prepare him for life's hard knocks.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Mr-Fusion One aspect that's kinda nice about these movies is that they're just as episodic as the books, even if Greg isn't as likable as he should be. "Rodrick Rules" isn't as fun as "Dog Days" (I watched these out of order) but it's light, peppy, and there's a good chemistry between Greg and Rodrick; precisely what's needed for this movie to work.I'm still partial to the books (in a big way), but the movies are a good way to kill an afternoon; this one included.6/10
SnoopyStyle Summer is over, and school starts again. Greg Heffley (Zachary Gordon) falls for pretty new girl Holly Hills (Peyton List). He continues to fight with his brother Rodrick (Devon Bostick). So his mom (Rachael Harris) tries to force them to get along.This is better than the first one. Rodrick is given a much bigger role. It's always funny to have Greg can picked on, rather than simply doing stupid things all on his own. Devon is actually a good actor, and he deserves to have the screen time. It's also nice to see Rachael Harris and Steve Zahn have a slightly bigger role. The humor is still the same Diary style. It just works better with a more 3D portrayal of the family.
Catherine_Grace_Zeh Even though I haven't read the novel, DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: RODRICK RULES, in my opinion, is an excellent big-screen adaptation of a Jeff Kinney bestseller. If you ask me, Patty (Laine MacNeil) was a totally b****y ice queen. I think that for many reasons. In my opinion, one of the most hilarious parts of this movie was when Greg (Zachary Gordon) was hiding in the ladies restroom. If you want to know why, you'll have to see the movie. Also, I thought that every attempt to have Greg bond with Rodrick was hilarious. In conclusion, if you enjoyed the novel or are a fan of anyone in the cast, check this movie out today. You'll be glad you did.
heavensent1 Greg Heffley (Zachary Gordon) and his older brother Rodrick (Devon Bostick) are always picking at each other, always breaking the rules and their parents have had enough. Mom, Susan, has just landed a job as an advice columnist for parents and in order to save face, she must get her own children to cooperate. She invests in a plan called, "Mom Bucks", and in order to earn them, the two must get along and hang out together. Rodrick thinks he has just hit the jackpot and Greg is dismayed that to learn that his brother is now getting paid to beat him up.Greg and his best friend, Rowley Jefferson (Robert Capron), are always getting themselves into sticky situations. They are not the best looking, nor the strongest, nor do they have any luck whatsoever, as the two are always trying to find a positive outlook to all the events that occur.When Greg first sets eyes upon the new girl, Holly Hills (Peyton List), he realizes this is the year when he won't be the nerd or the geek and he will win the girl. His friends thinks he is crazy, but with confidence and perfect timing, he is sure he can make it happen.After Greg and Rodrick get into trouble with their parents, they are forbidden to go on a family trip and must stay at home and get to know one another. They are strictly forbidden to have anyone over, however, the moment mom, dad and baby brother, Manny, have left, Rodrick is on the phone and telling his friends that there is a party at his house. It is here that Rodrick and Greg begin to bond as brothers, as the two realize the other isn't an ogre after all.However, truth always prevails and the two are eventually caught and grounded and Rodrick is not allowed to perform with his band, Loaded Diper, in the upcoming talent show. The two brothers resort to their old habits until Greg believes he has an answer to everyone's problems and a way to make amends. Will his mother and father agree?? Or will the rift between the two brothers never heal?? I really enjoyed this movie. I hadn't seen any previews on it, nor had I heard anything about it, so my view is fresh and untainted. I thought the humor to be placed with perfect timing and the chemistry between everyone in the film was amazing. The plot, though a bit recycled, I mean, you can only do sibling rivalry in so many forms, was wonderful to view, nonetheless. I found the approach of the two brothers to be believable and their antics to be such as siblings would do to one another.I loved the diary pages and comic strip caricatures dispersed throughout the movie, it gave it a childlike quality that gave the movie an extra added appeal. Often these takes were comical and left the room in hysterics. The jokes, even though some of them are clichéd, were done with the right approach and were placed in the film such, that it worked for it.Steve Zahn's role of the father, Frank, was a bit stiff, he didn't seem to be as much into this role as I have seen him in others. However, Rachel Harris counters his parenting with a strong performance, leaving you to believe that mom wears the pants in the family.This is an excellent movie for families to enjoy, it is clean, with very few derogatory remarks/situations and the end message is wholesome and sacrificial and one that every sibling should adhere, for blood is thicker than water! Included on the one-disc DVD you will find extra footage including two summer shorts, the theatrical trailer, and audio commentary. The movie runs approximately 1 hour and 54 minutes and is close captioned. As well, they are subtitles offered in English, Spanish and French.Article first published as DVD Review: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules on Blogcritics.