| 18 March 2011 (USA)
Anuvahood Trailers

Kenneth (who likes to call himself Kay) begins to realise he's just another wannabe bad boy... even less than a loser in fact. After quitting his job at Laimsbury's, Kay vows to become a respected gangster... or cry trying. A pulls-no-punches, coming-of-age story, centering on one directionless hopeless "shotter", who finds his true worth in the face of urban adversity.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
willcundallreview Rating-4/10Anuvahood is an urban film which is meant to be a comedy but completely misses the marks it set's itself and then becomes a juvenile effort at being a drama. Set in London somewhere it is also a crime drama and even trying at that seems under average and poor, but let me tell you more thoroughly why it is a very poor and under average movie.The story is not the worst I have ever seen but because it is a comedy film it makes the story seem stupid and the characters are also really silly. It moves at a fast enough pace for you to get through it and not be completely bored but by the end you feel you have wasted some of life watching this, but still go ahead and watch it, I am sure someone may like it. Finally on the story it is not dramatic either and fails to dramatise anything, well actually it is badly dramatic probably describes it better.Adam Deacon can be a fine actor and usually we see him urban roles but in this he fails and although he is not too bad in this film, the story ruins any chance of anyone in this doing well at acting. I found some of the supporting cast boring and as if they have been plucked from an over dramatic soap, also the villain is ridiculous who although acted well in the comedy role was not funny himself and ruins again any chance of humour, just plain average acting overall.I hated the script and is the biggest reason I didn't enjoy this film with it's stupid lines that are meant to be humour and when you finally think a thrilling part is coming out it turns out to be bad humour. In all the mess I enjoyed some of the sets they used for fights and running scenes which actually worked well with what was going on in this Urban setting. Finally Directing was superbly average and not the worst thing by a long shot, but not good either.The only truly positive thing from this film was the more emotional part of the film where Kay played by Adam Deacon is sad to hear his family have no money and the emotion the family give off is also sad because you can see they want there son to help but he is too greedy with his own money to give it over. Other than the emotional part not much else to say at all in positivity.I think people may like it if they have seen films like Kidulthood or Adulthood but it has more cheek like Kidulthood and of course Deacon features in these and in comedy type role in both. I am also sure someone will find it funny because I have seen worse films that people like also so it would be no surprise to see someone excited and thrilled by this.Overall it is Very Poor if not a wholly Bad movie coming in at a rating of 4/10 ,to be fair it is a strong one of that, but goes down due to what I said. I think it is far from the worst film ever and parts are enjoyable I guess like the beginning so just watch it for yourself and see what you think about it all, it may have damaged the London Urban film market but that market of films can produce some fantastic pieces as well.
maninder battu the film is very interesting and does not get you bored at any point. i found out about the film by people always talking about it. the story is about a young lad called Kenneth who just wants to be a rapper and popular in his local town, he always causes trouble and dares to do pretty much anything for attention and a bit of money. Kenneth the main character has friends that don't seem to believe in him. i am really telling you that you need to go and watch this movie because its a brilliant film to watch! this film is a comedy version of adult hood and is not as serious as its older versions. this has to be the best film out of all the others!
malbanese Now I am from Australia and I understand the Queens English from both sides of the world. Problem is, these guys are speaking the queens English. It's some sort of bastardized slang (which I imagine is how they speak in that corner of England, which is cool, but, don't fink we can unerstan ya blood!) Now I can see the humorous side and I get the pun and poke at other films along the way, but I just couldn't understand a damn thing. Same thing happened to me when I watched 1 Day. Great idea, shame it had no it was in another language. When you watch a film, like Menace 2 Society or Fresh or 187 for that matter,the slang is portrayed but understandable (maybe American Filmmakers hand feed their audience more so than British filmmakers). Even in comedic send ups and spoofs like Don't be a menace..., the language is still understandable. Pity, I would of enjoyed this based on the actors.
ChucksLuck I watched Anuvahood this evening and was actually quite impressed. OK, it's not going to win any Oscars, it's not the best plot in the world but I think it was a good effort by all. That said, I do think there is an important message in there somewhere, maybe not if you're a 31 year old 'been there, done that' adult but teenage city kids could learn a lesson or two from it. Adam Deacon is proving himself a good little actor but I would love to see him in a different type of role before he becomes a one-trick pony and let's not forget it's his directing début, the quality of the direction of Anuvahood I think shows his potential for future projects. Tyrone (Richie Campbell) was brilliant and provided most of the LOL moments. I was truly laughing hard at a moment involving ketchup. I thought Linda Robson was a perfect choice for K's mum. The cameo choices were genius, most notably Eddie Kadi as the traffic warden. Good film, not brilliant but I don't think it's intending to be. I'm not sure if people will 'get' it unless they are familiar with this type of culture, I'm a Londoner so used to it but others may struggle to understand the slang and the humour. I hope that's not the case and people will give Anuvahood a go. It's nice to have a film about the gritty realism of London that's not all doom and gloom like the usual offerings.