Disaster Movie
Disaster Movie
PG-13 | 29 August 2008 (USA)
Disaster Movie Trailers

The filmmaking team behind the hits "Scary Movie," "Date Movie," "Epic Movie" and "Meet The Spartans" this time puts its unique, inimitable stamp on one of the biggest and most bloated movie genres of all time -- the disaster film.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
kawaiicookieanime Today I decided to watch a movie since I had a lot of spare time today, I chose Disaster Movie because I was in the mood for a giggle. Unfortunately, I didn't laugh, instead I cringed at the awful acting, seriously terrible humour and pretty much everything! This pile of rubbish is WORSE than Epic Movie!To be honest, I think Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg let Year Seven students write the script for this torture method! What does Amy Winehouse have to do with disaster movies? What does Juno have to do with disaster movies? WHAT DOES HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL HAVE TO DO WITH FREAKING DISASTER MOVIES?!When I got to the 25th minute mark, I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to turn it off which was a shame because this was the first movie I've stopped watching. I just couldn't bear the torture anymore...If you see this movie on DVD somewhere, don't pick it up, it's not worth it. Don't watch this on TV when there's nothing else on.
grturner-59687 This is the only film i've seen that i'd give 0/10 to, if i could.There's no plot so no point commenting on that. The film's nothing but a series of unfunny, stale gags and pop culture references, in the hope of finding a laugh somewhere. Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson are among those to get the treatment, as if that's never been done a million times before. The hacks who made this have no film making talent whatsoever, A year 7 drama class could come up with a better film than this. It's not even a "so bad it's good" type of film.
rowan-12465 Seriously - Who the hell spends money to make films like this? This is one of those "comedies" where you stare at the TV with a constant expression of disgust and end up with an immense headache from frowning so much - Honestly... Not a single smile throughout. Complete and utter rubbish
J. As the title suggests, "Disaster Movie" is a disastrous movie about disasters (these disasters include the Sex and the City cast). I found myself laughing at many parts when I first watched it, but now that I really think about it, the whole movie is filled with very childish and downright lazy humor.The parody is not very good, I mean there are many parody movies way better than this. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer should've looked at those parodies that actually work and take inspiration from them instead of the Scary Movie series.Not a good movie, but I wouldn't say it deserves to be in the Bottom 100 (where it seems to be right now), either.I vote 3 out of 10. I don't recommend watching this.