PG-13 | 26 April 2007 (USA)
Next Trailers

Las Vegas showroom magician Cris Johnson has a secret which torments him: he can see a few minutes into the future. Sick of the examinations he underwent as a child and the interest of the government and medical establishment in his power, he lies low under an assumed name in Vegas, performing cheap tricks and living off small-time gambling "winnings." But when a terrorist group threatens to detonate a nuclear device in Los Angeles, government agent Callie Ferris must use all her wiles to capture Cris and convince him to help her stop the cataclysm.

Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
merelyaninnuendo NextNext is smart, gripping and fun even though it may lose track for a bit and disappoint you at some points but all in all it definitely is a one time watch.
Python Hyena Next (2007): Dir: Lee Tamahori / Cast: Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel, Peter Falk, Jim Beaver: Here is an intelligent idea with a horrid delivery. Action film about future starring Nicolas Cage as magician Frank Cadillac who is wanted by FBI due to his ability to foresee the future by two minutes. Too bad that he didn't possess this ability before being cast in this film. Apparently there is a bomb set somewhere in the city and he is needed to assist in finding it. Script is smart with director Lee Tamahori having fun with Cage's options and humorous surprise ending. Tamahori previously made The Edge, which is far more suspenseful. Cage has fun with the role playing off Cadillac's need for solitude. Supporting roles are unfortunately flat relying totally on Cage to carry it. Jessica Biel is basically there to sleep with Cage then she is kidnapped and strapped to a chair with a bomb. Julianne Moore as an FBI agent is wasted. She has done far greater performances in much better films and this is definitely beneath her. Peter Falk appears briefly but serves little purpose. Jim Beaver plays a guy named Wisdom and that appears to be lacking in much of the film. The film is well made from a visual and production stand point, otherwise it is pointless entertainment. There is not much in terms of originality so it is not likely that we will be looking forward to what happens next. Score: 5 ½ / 10
Terryfan I have been meaning to review this film for a while so why not review it.Next was quite the film when I first sit down to watch it the film did star Jessica Biel one of my favorite actresses but the film has a lot going for it then most people would give it credit for.The film itself feature a lot that you would enjoy about a thriller action movie, clever story with special effects and the plot is one you have to play close attention to or you'll be lost.Next centers around The F.B.I. lead by Callie Ferris (Julianne Moore) go on the hunt for a Las Vegas Magician Cris Johnson (Nicolas Cage) who has the gift to see two minutes into his future. But when he finally meets this woman he sees in his visions he can see further into the future the woman is Liz Cooper (Jessica Biel) the F.B.I. Believes he can help them prevent a Nuclear attack from a man named Mr.Smith (Thomas Kretschmann).What makes the movie interesting is the plot is original and will have your attention from the start of the film. That's what I like about the film and why I watch it in the first place.The characters are interesting enough to watch on screen along with Biel, Moore, and Cage giving some strong acting for the film as they are the key stars of the film. Along with the special effects being well done and timed to match the story.Next just has so much going for it and it's hard not to sit down and enjoy it as long as you have a opening mind, Next does award you with all you could ask for in a thriller action film.With strong performances by Jessica Biel, Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore, intense story and interesting plot twists you will be glad you watch this filmI give Next an 9 out of 10
eyeintrees Ghastly. Just terrible. I bothered to watch because IMDb said it was half good, but I think I'll stop believing the review percentages on this from now on; been bitten too often and either someone is getting paid to say how good movies are or there are a lot of people with no standard above B grade.The premise for 'Next' is fantastic. However, the execution, script, cheesy, cheesy, cheesy, utterly lame as all hell actual movie is another thing.I really like Nicolas Cage, it's just a shame I can't watch anything he's in anymore because all the stuff he makes is terrible, most likely due to no fault of his, since he's got to pay his bills, right.Both female leads, from the naïve - I'll walk around all wet in a towel in front of a total strange guy I picked up and gave a lift to, but hey, he won't rape me - to the hard-nosed ugly cow with the ugly voice, give this no credence, just add to the scratching of fingernails on a chalk board.The idea of a magician who's actually psychic... wow, what they COULD have done with this idea might have been fantastic. Don't worry, it isn't.Cheesy, cheesy, cheesy ... a stolen atomic thing going to blow everyone up... should have blown up the movie and not wasted my time.If you love bad B grade nonsense pretending to be interesting and romantic then you might enjoy this big gobble of trifling tinsel fare.Rubbish.