Season of the Witch
Season of the Witch
PG-13 | 07 January 2011 (USA)
Season of the Witch Trailers

A 14th century Crusader returns with his comrade to a homeland devastated by the Black Plague. The Church commands the two knights to transport a witch to a remote abbey, where monks will perform a ritual in hopes of ending the pestilence.

Executscan Expected more
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
mfredenburg Season of the Witch was an enjoyable watch from beginning to end. Cage and Perlman were very credible a war-weary, disillusioned veterans of the crusades who take on task for the Church they had rejected.Nothing particularly special about this film, but it a very decent effort that does a good job in laying a foundation for the heroes actions and has a very intense climax. Good, evil and redemption - For an evening of entertainment you could do far worse. And yes, there can be a difference in serving God versus serving the Church.
miromoman A serious contender to the tittle of worst film ever. Rancid ridiculous script, poor acting and hilarious special effects.
dsalouk Season of the witch starts off on the tempo it would continue to maintain; cheesy, cliché, and predictable. Like most low budget B grade films, when two stars are put in like Cage and Perlman, there is never a moment when their plight or adventure would be at risk, because god forbid the story have levels of intrigue and be properly developed. Bearing on a simple story, the typical obstacles are used as filler, and by the climax, the absurdity of the real antagonist at his/her pinnacle is laughable. It is a shame to see Dominic Sena going backwards in talent, as he creates a far more inferior product to his prior solid action ventures. Cage and Perlman are cardboard cut-outs and have little to no depth in character development. The film is a shambles and provides just about juice for a tonic of sleep.
LeonLouisRicci There are Two Colors that are On Screen in this "Color" Movie...Blue & Green. That's Typical of the New Millennium's Idea that Everything Needs to be "Dark" and Drained to be Cool. Yeech!Other than that, it is a Mid-Range Medieval Movie that Never Quite Achieves what it wants. The Story is Solid and The Twists are OK and the Gloomy Substitutes for the Gory in this Dirty Time of Plagues and Puss.Nic Cage and Ron Perelman and the rest of the Cast are kind of Bland but there is Enough Horror and Suspense to Plod the Movie Along in this Path of Least Resistance Film. Nothing Much is that Exciting and the Final Stand Off Between Good and Evil is Less that Remarkable.Overall, Worth a Watch for those who Watch Most Anything. But it is a Failure at Worst and what may be Worse, a Mediocre Multi-Million Dollar Mess.